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7 Portraits of Dr. Richard Lee, Allegedly a Convert and Confirmed by Ustadz Derry Sulaiman

7 Portraits of Dr. Richard Lee, Allegedly a Convert and Confirmed by Ustadz Derry Sulaiman


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7 Portraits of Dr. Richard Lee, Allegedly a Convert and Confirmed by Ustadz Derry Sulaiman

Doctor Richard Lee, who is known as the owner of the Athena beauty clinic, has been widely rumored to have converted to Islam. Although there has been no direct confirmation from him, many assume this to be true because it was stated by Ustaz Derry Sulaiman through his personal Instagram account.

Here’s a glimpse of Doctor Richard Lee, who is widely suspected of having embraced Islam. Let’s take a look, if not now, when?


The news regarding Doctor Richard Lee converting to Islam or becoming a Muslim has created a stir on social media. This is linked to a post from a religious teacher who seemed to affirm this.


This information was conveyed by Ustaz Derry Sulaiman through his personal Instagram account. In the post, he wrote "BISMILLAH… GOOD NEWS, LET'S PRAY FOR DR RICHARD LEE TO BE STEADFAST IN FAITH & ISLAM!ALLAHU AKBAR!! GUIDANCE IS POURING." while mentioning Richard Lee's account.


The owner of the Athena clinic has not uploaded anything related to the past on his own Instagram account, which has made many netizens curious. 


However, it can be seen in Ustaz Derry's post that he shared a video of teaching Dr. Richard Lee how to do dhikr using a tasbih.


In response to a question from netizens regarding Dr. Richard Lee's status as a Muslim, Ustaz Derry confirmed that Dr. Richard has converted to Islam.


Even the ustaz added that currently, Dr. Richard is learning to perform prayers. It seems that Dr. Richard Lee's spiritual journey towards Islam has been ongoing since 2023.


Over the past two years, he has delved into Islamic teachings and shown great interest in this religion. Dr. Richard Lee's steps to deepen his understanding of Islam have certainly sparked both support and opposition among his non-Muslim family.

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