The sudden passing of actor Sandy Permana, one of the stars of the soap opera Genta Buana, has left a deep sorrow among his fellow artists. A number of Sandy Permana's colleagues from the production house Genta Buana were seen at the mourning house in Cibarusah, Bekasi Regency, on Monday (1/13/2025).
Among those present were Zizka Zella, Irman Heryana, Errina Gracesita, Penti Nur Afiani, and Lisda Oxalis. They expressed their feelings of loss along with beautiful memories of Sandy during his lifetime.
"We represent our friends from Genta as well. Yesterday morning, we were shocked by this news. Even as we came here, we still couldn't believe whether this news was true or a hoax," said Erina at the mourning house in Cibarusah, Bekasi Regency, on Monday (1/13/2025). Here are the details.