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7 Portraits of Larissa Chou Celebrating her 28th Birthday with her Husband, Simple yet Romantic

7 Portraits of Larissa Chou Celebrating her 28th Birthday with her Husband, Simple yet Romantic Portraits of Larissa Chou Celebrating her 28th Birthday with her Husband (Credit: Instagram/larissachou) - As a celebrity, the life of Larissa Chou often becomes the center of attention. Moreover, she is actively uploading pictures of her daily activities on social media.

Recently, Larissa Chou uploaded pictures of her birthday celebration on Instagram. On her 28th birthday, she celebrated it with her husband, Ikram Rosadi.

Curious about the portraits of Larissa Chou celebrating her 28th birthday with her husband? Let's find out more information below.

1. Portrait of Larissa Chou

Larissa Chou is a celebrity who often attracts attention with her daily activities. After failing in her previous marriage with Muhammad Alvin Faiz, Larissa Chou is now happy with her new husband named Ikram Rosadi. Pictures of her together with her family are one of the contents that are quite popular among her followers.

2. Celebrating 28th Birthday

Recently, Larissa Chou uploaded pictures of her birthday celebration on Instagram. Born on April 23, 1996, she is now 28 years old. In previous years, Larissa Chou celebrated her birthday with friends and family.

3. With Husband

This year, Larissa Chou's birthday can be said to be somewhat different. This is because she is now officially the wife of Ikram Rosadi. Her special day was celebrated together with her husband.

"You'll never regret being private, minding your business and loving yourself...
Alhamdulillah 28," Larissa Chou wrote as the caption.

4. Got a Surprise

Since marrying Larissa Chou, Ikram Rosadi has often been praised for his romantic attitude. On his wife's birthday, he surprised her with a birthday cake. Of course, Larissa Chou looked so happy.

"Happy birthday to my beloved wife" captioned Ikram Rosadi in the photo when he was posing kissing his wife's head.

5. Giant Bouquet

In addition to preparing a birthday cake, Ikram Rosadi also gave Larissa Chou a giant bouquet of flowers. The happiness of the woman who is currently pregnant cannot be hidden, she also showed off the cake and bouquet from her husband on Instagram.

6. Simple

This time, Larissa Chou's birthday celebration is considered simple. Right at the midnight, Ikram Rosadi turned off the lights and there were only candle lights. In the uploaded photo, Larissa Chou's birthday celebration is also accompanied by a wall decoration that says "Happy Birthday".

7. Warm with Family

Although simple, Larissa Chou's 28th birthday celebration feels so warm. The presence of her husband and son, Yusuf, certainly completes her happiness in this new age.

Well, KLovers, those are a series of portraits of Larissa Chou celebrating her 28th birthday with her husband.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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