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7 Portraits of Nia Ramadhani's Mother-in-Law's 73rd Birthday, Warm - The Whole Family Gathered to Eat Together

7 Portraits of Nia Ramadhani's Mother-in-Law's 73rd Birthday, Warm - The Whole Family Gathered to Eat Together Portraits of Nia Ramadhani's Mother-in-Law's 73rd Birthday (Credit: Instagram/ramadhaniabakrie) - Since marrying Ardi Bakrie, actress Nia Ramadhani has officially become part of the large Aburizal Bakrie family. It's no wonder that she often shares portraits of important moments with the family.

Latest, Nia Ramadhani shared portraits of her mother-in-law's birthday, Tatty Murnitriati, who turned 73. The event looked very warm with the family.

So, what are the portraits of Nia Ramadhani's mother-in-law's warm 73rd birthday gathering with the family like? Let's find out more information below.

1. Portrait of Nia Ramadhani's Mother-in-law's 73rd Birthday

Recently, Nia Ramadhani uploaded a moment of togetherness with her family. The moment, which coincided with her mother-in-law's 73rd birthday, successfully stole attention. Moreover, the moment became a gathering of the large Aburizal Bakrie family, KLovers!

2. Stay Forever Young

In the photo uploaded on Instagram Story, it can be seen that the children and grandchildren gathered around Tatty Murnitriati. Nia Ramadhani was also seen giving a kiss to her mother-in-law. Even though she is already 73 years old, Tatty Murnitriati, the mother-in-law, looks so forever young, KLovers!

3. Warm Together with Family

Not only Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie's family, but the birthday of Aburizal Bakrie's wife also seemed very lively. The celebration of her birthday was warm with the presence of other family members. Meanwhile, the employees also seemed to have fun singing the song 'Happy Birthday' together.

4. There are Children and Grandchildren

The family members consist of Aburizal Bakrie and Tatty Murnitriati's children and grandchildren. One of their grandchildren, Mikhayla, Nia Ramadhani's eldest daughter, was in charge of bringing the birthday cake for her grandmother.

5. Gathering and Eating Together

In the video shared by Nia Ramadhani on Instagram Story, it can be seen that her mother-in-law's birthday celebration continued with a gathering and eating together. Various menus were available on the long table. Judging from their facial expressions, the family couldn't hide their happiness.

6. Aburizal Bakrie Poses with Three Generations

There is an interesting thing in the celebration of Nia Ramadhani's mother-in-law's birthday this time. Aburizal Bakrie took a photo with three generations, including his son, Ardi Bakrie, and his grandchild. These three men from different generations have similar faces, KLovers?

7. All Female Members of the Bakrie Family

Here are portraits of the female members of the Bakrie family. They all look elegant and stylish. They can be seen surrounding Tatty Murnitriati, who is celebrating her birthday.

Well, KLovers, those are a series of portraits from Nia Ramadhani's mother-in-law's 73rd birthday, where they warmly gather with the family.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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