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7 Portraits of Okan Kornelius' Youth, Known as the Most Handsome in His Time

7 Portraits of Okan Kornelius' Youth, Known as the Most Handsome in His Time Portraits of Okan Kornelius' Youth (Credit: Instagram/okankornelius) - As a model and actor who has started his career since 2002, the name Okan Kornelius seems to be heard less often in the entertainment industry. Nevertheless, this 43-year-old man is still quite active in uploading his daily activities on Instagram.

Not long ago, the Chinese-Turkish descendant uploaded a series of portraits from his youth. The portraits of Okan Kornelius immediately attracted a lot of attention. He is also known as the most handsome in his time.

Now, curious about the portraits of Okan Kornelius' youth? Let's find out more information below.


1. Portrait of Okan Kornelius's Youth

Model and actor Okan Kornelius recently shared a series of portraits from his youth on Instagram. Of course, the post immediately caught the attention of netizens. The photos from the past seemed to evoke a number of memories from the early days of his appearance in the entertainment industry. The vintage nuance of the clothing and hairstyle was also reflected.


2. Considered the Most Handsome in His Time

In the comment section, many netizens praised Okan Kornelius's handsomeness. In fact, the Hannover-born man from Germany is considered the most handsome in his time. Some even referred to Okan Kornelius as the most handsome womanizer. He was seen responding to various comments with laughter.


3. Bule's Appearance

The portrait of Okan Kornelius in his younger days shows that he has a bule appearance. It is not surprising because this 43-year-old actor is of Chinese and Turkish descent. He also spent his childhood abroad for education. It is known that Okan Kornelius studied until completing college in Canada.


4. Early Entry into the Entertainment Industry

The portrait of Okan Kornelius in his younger days uploaded on Instagram also reminds us of the beginning of his entry into the entertainment industry. He started his career in 2002. At that time, Okan began taking modeling courses and expanding his wings into the world of acting.


5. Now Rarely Starring in Movies and Soap Operas

Okan Kornelius' first soap opera titled TUNJUK SATU BINTANG (2002) was produced by Multivision Plus. After that, he starred in more soap operas, FTVs, and other films.

However, recently Okan Kornelius has been seen less frequently in the entertainment industry. His last appearance was in the movie TWIVORTIARE as Donny in 2019. It is known that Okan Kornelius is busier with his business.


6. Write a Message for the Son

In addition to reminiscing about his youth, Okan Kornelius also mentions his son in the caption. As known, Okan Kornelius has a son named Jaden from his marriage to Viviane.

"No one else will ever know the strength of my love for you. A son is the happy memories of the past, the joyful memories of the present and the hope and promise of the future. Love u always my son," writes Okan Kornelius.


7. Married Twice

Okan Kornelius and Viviane's marriage ended in 2015. After being divorced for three years, he remarried a woman named May Lee. Unfortunately, Okan Kornelius had to become a widower for the second time after divorcing in 2020.

Well, KLovers, those are a series of portraits of Okan Kornelius's youth, who was called the most handsome in his time.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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