Kapanlagi.com - The first child of celebrity couple Ahmad Dhani and Mulan Jameela, Safeea Ahmad, is entering adolescence. Safeea, who is currently 9 years old, is starting to understand fashion, including following Mulan Jameela's hijab style.
Safeea Ahmad, who recently celebrated her 9th birthday on Wednesday, (26/02/2020), is growing up to be beautiful and fashionable. It is certainly a joy for Ahmad Dhani and Mulan Jameela to see their daughter growing up as a teenager.
Safeea's presence in Ahmad Dhani and Mulan's life has made their household more harmonious. Safeea is Ahmad Dhani's first daughter, who previously had three handsome sons from his marriage with Maia Estianty.
The closeness between Safeea and her siblings is also often seen in various moments they share through their respective social media accounts. As she grows up, Safeea also begins to choose her own clothes, such as following Mulan Jameela's hijab style.
Yes, Mulan Jameela decided to wear the hijab in 2018. Although many initially looked down on her, Mulan never wavered in her decision to wear the hijab in her daily life.
Like her mother, Safeea is starting to follow Mulan's hijab style, which can often be seen in several personal photos of Mulan and Dhani. Let's take a look at 7 photos of Safeea, Ahmad Dhani and Mulan Jameela's daughter, wearing a hijab, looking beautiful like her mother.
1. Swimming Hobby

(credit: Instagram.com/mulanjameela1/)
Safee Ahmad apparently has a swimming hobby just like Mulan Jameela. In this moment, Mulan shares a portrait of herself with Safeea when they are about to swim. The pink swimsuit looks beautiful when they both wear it.
"Hi...Who in the family has a swimming hobby? Yes...We do," wrote in the caption @mulanjameela1.
2. Beautiful while Studying

(credit: Instagram.com/ahmaddhaniofficial/)
Currently, Safeea, who is attending school, doesn't forget to study at home. One of them can be seen in this portrait shared by Ahmad Dhani through his personal social media account.
The photo he uploaded received many responses from netizens stating that Safeea looks very beautiful wearing a hijab. Just like Mulan Jameela, who also looks beautiful wearing a hijab. Safeea, who is busy studying, seems unaware that her father is taking her picture.
3. When Accompanying Mulan Jameela

(credit: Instagram.com/mulanjameela1/)
Mulan Jameela sometimes also fills events themed on hijab and studies. Safeea also appears to accompany Mulan when attending the Hijrah Fest event. Wrapped in a Stabilo-colored veil with a blue robe, Safeea looks comfortable wearing it.
4. Cute Wearing a Red Veil

(credit: Instagram.com/mulanjameela1/)
Safeea looks very cute posing in front of the camera wearing a red veil. At that time, Safeea and Mulan Jameela took a photo together with Gus Sholahudin Wahid and his wife.
5. Selfie Together with Mama

(credit: Instagram.com/mulanjameela1/)
Wearing a turquoise green veil, Safeea looks beautiful while taking a selfie with Mulan Jameela. It is indeed beautiful just like her mother. Mulan also wrote a caption from John Wooden stating that the most important thing in the world is family and love.
"The most important thing in the world is family and love. - John Wooden," wrote Mulan in the caption @mulanjameela1.
6. When Kissed by Father

(credit: Instagram.com/ahmaddhaniofficial/)
This portrait shows that Ahmad Dhani loves his daughter, Safeea, very much. A kiss on Safeea's right cheek seems to calm her down when she appears restless. Many were touched by this portrait because they saw Dhani's equal affection towards all of his children.
7. Adorable when Learning to Wear a Hijab

(credit: Instagram.com/mulanjameela1/)
An adorable expression is seen in this portrait when Safeea was still a child. She is covered in a long patterned hijab that covers her entire body. She even kisses herself in front of the mirror. It makes everyone who sees it feel affectionate.
Those are the 7 portraits of Safeea, Ahmad Dhani and Mulan Jameela's daughter, wearing a hijab, looking beautiful like her mother. Hopefully, Safeea will grow up to be a pious child.
Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.