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7 Portraits of Togetherness Adiba Khanza and Egy Maulana Vikri After Marriage, Very Romantic Together Photos

7 Portraits of Togetherness Adiba Khanza and Egy Maulana Vikri After Marriage, Very Romantic Together Photos Portraits of Togetherness Adiba Khanza and Egy Maulana Vikri After Marriage (Credit: Instagram/egymaulanavikri/adiba.knza) - As public figures, the love story of Adiba Khanza and Egy Maulana Vikri often becomes the center of attention. After getting married on December 10, 2023, their togetherness is increasingly seen as romantic.

Now, they can pose holding hands and hugging as a halal couple. The affection between Adiba Khanza and Egy Maulana Vikri has captured the attention of fans.

So, what are the very romantic portraits of Adiba Khanza and Egy Maulana Vikri after marriage? Let's find out more information below.

1. Portrait of Togetherness of Adiba Khanza and Egy Maulana Vikri

Adiba Khanza and Egy Maulana Vikri are a young married couple who often steal attention. Adiba Khanza is a celebrity and also the first child of preacher Jefri Al Buchori and Pipik Dian Irawati. Meanwhile, Egy Maulana Vikri is a football player in the Indonesian national team.

2. Following Her Husband to Qatar

As well-known individuals, the portrait of togetherness of Adiba Khanza and Egy Maulana Vikri often becomes the center of attention. When they were newly married, Egy Maulana Vikri had to go to Qatar to compete in the 2023 Asian Cup.

The story of Adiba Khanza following her husband at that time became a sweet moment and successfully captured attention.

3. Two Months of Marriage

Officially married on December 10, 2023, Adiba Khanza and Egy Maulana Vikri have been building their household for two months. As newlyweds, their love story has become a hot topic among netizens. When they share pictures of their togetherness, their Instagram posts are flooded with comments.

4. Close for 4 Years

Before deciding to get married, Adiba Khanza and Egy Maulana Vikri have been close for approximately four years. Instead of dating, they are said to have had a good relationship all this time. Umi Pipik as a mother has already warned about their closeness since the beginning.

5. Very Romantic

Recently, Adiba Khanza and Egy Maulana Vikri were seen uploading romantic portraits after getting married on Instagram. They also did a photo box with various adorable expressions.

6. Not Showing Affection

As mentioned before, Adiba Khanza and Egy Maulana Vikri did not have a typical dating relationship before getting married. It's understandable that they also don't show affection on social media.

7. Can Hug Now

Only after getting married, Adiba Khanza and Egy Maulana Vikri posed intimately, such as holding hands and hugging. Many netizens admitted to being fond of the young couple who are now officially married.

Well, KLovers, those are a series of very romantic moments together of Adiba Khanza and Egy Maulana Vikri after getting married.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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