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8 Men Who Have Been Amanda Manopo's Co-Stars, Besides Arya Saloka!

8 Men Who Have Been Amanda Manopo's Co-Stars, Besides Arya Saloka!

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8 Men Who Have Been Amanda Manopo's Co-Stars, Besides Arya Saloka!

The name Amanda Manopo is certainly familiar in the world of Indonesian films and soap operas. Amanda has starred in various films and soap operas. Now her name is shining even more since she played Andin in the soap opera IKATAN CINTA. In this soap opera, Amanda acted alongside Arya Saloka. However, it turns out that several men have also been Amanda Manopo's co-stars in films and soap operas. Who are they? Find out in the following review.


Written By: Salma Azzahidah


Amanda Manopo and Jeff Smith were once brought together in the film SAJEN.


Amanda Manopo and Bio One were brought together in the film SUARA APRIL. They succeeded in acting at a young age.


In the soap opera IKATAN CINTA, Amanda also acted alongside Evan Sanders. They both played the role of ex-husband and ex-wife.


Lutfi Agizal apparently also acted alongside Amanda Manopo in the soap opera TANGIS KEHIDUPAN WANITA episode 1.


Amanda Manopo met Yusuf Mahardikan in the soap opera TENDANGAN SI MADUN.  


Amanda and Rizky Billar apparently also acted together in the soap opera ADA DUA CINTA.


Angga Yunanda has been paired with Amanda Manopo several times. Among them are the soap operas MALU-MALU KUCING, MERMAID IN LOVE, and the movie SAJEN.


Christ Laurent and Amanda have built chemistry in the soap opera HATI YANG MEMILIH and the movie Kanjeng KLIWON.