After only dating for a few months, Ririn Ekawati and Ibnu Jamil decided to get married. Their wedding took place on Saturday (30/1). Ibnu Jamil looked very confident during the marriage ceremony. What were those moments like? Let's take a look!
Celebrity Activities
After only dating for a few months, Ririn Ekawati and Ibnu Jamil decided to get married. Their wedding took place on Saturday (30/1). Ibnu Jamil looked very confident during the marriage ceremony. What were those moments like? Let's take a look!
Finally, the long-awaited moment for Ibnu and Ririn has arrived. Previously, it was known that they had taken care of the paperwork at the Office of Religious Affairs, but the wedding date had not been revealed at that time.
Saturday (30/1) finally became the chosen day for this special moment. Ririn looked beautiful in a white dress complete with a beautiful patterned veil. Meanwhile, Ibnu looked handsome in a suit.
As KLovers know, the closeness between Ibnu and Ririn has been known to the public since October 2020. Ibnu, who was interested in Ririn, initially approached her through Ririn's younger sister, Rini Yulianti.
Their closeness became more serious when Ibnu willingly flew to Sumba to follow Ririn. True enough, the actor with dimples immediately proposed to Ririn there.
After proposing to Ririn in October 2020, there were rumors that they would soon get married. At that time, they were reluctant to announce the wedding date to the public.
"Yes, God willing (in the near future), because it's not good to delay it for too long. Everything, good intentions should be expedited, as the elders say. As for the wedding concept, it doesn't exist yet, honestly," said Ibnu last November.
True enough, January turns out to be their chosen month. What's interesting is that their wedding is filled with white nuances and Orchid flowers here and there. Apparently, the decoration has its own meaning.
Yes, Orchid flowers are the first flowers given by Ibnu to Ririn. The star of the movie MUDIK has known from the beginning how much Ririn loves this flower. So sweet, right?
Today, Saturday (30/1/2021), Ibnu Jamil officially married Ririn Ekawati. Read more here!
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