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8 Photos of Dimas Beck and Nikita Mirzani's Affection, Showing Cheek Kiss Moment, Officially Dating?

8 Photos of Dimas Beck and Nikita Mirzani's Affection, Showing Cheek Kiss Moment, Officially Dating?


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8 Photos of Dimas Beck and Nikita Mirzani's Affection, Showing Cheek Kiss Moment, Officially Dating?

Dimas Beck and Nikita Mirzani once again caused a stir among netizens. Both Dimas and Niki showcased their intimate moments on their respective Instagram accounts.

Thanks to their affectionate posts, netizens flooded their uploads. Many of them gave their blessings for the couple to move to a more serious stage.



They were seen very close in a culinary program on a private television station.

8 Photos of Dimas Beck and Nikita Mirzani's Affection, Showing Cheek Kiss Moment, Officially Dating?

Moments when they were working together, making their closeness the talk of the town among netizens.  


Apparently, their closeness is also evident outside of their current profession.

8 Photos of Dimas Beck and Nikita Mirzani's Affection, Showing Cheek Kiss Moment, Officially Dating?

Dimas Beck was also seen at the birthday party.


They also appeared very close and harmonious at Niki's birthday party.  

8 Photos of Dimas Beck and Nikita Mirzani's Affection, Showing Cheek Kiss Moment, Officially Dating?

One of the photos that made netizens excited was the moment when Dimas Beck received a kiss from Niki.

8 Photos of Dimas Beck and Nikita Mirzani's Affection, Showing Cheek Kiss Moment, Officially Dating?

"Love, affection, and pity are feelings that are not much different, so don't misunderstand them," Niki wrote in her upload with Dimas.


"DMS BCK NKT MZN," Dimas wrote in his upload on his Instagram account.