Sherina Munaf has been known to undergo treatment for the past month. Yes, she apparently suffers from scoliosis and pinched nerves. Interestingly, she still managed to perform in a musical concert. Here are the details.
Celebrity Activities
Sherina Munaf has been known to undergo treatment for the past month. Yes, she apparently suffers from scoliosis and pinched nerves. Interestingly, she still managed to perform in a musical concert. Here are the details.
Unpleasant news colors the entertainment world. This time, the news comes from the multi-talented artist Sherina Munaf.
In early April, she announced that she was suffering from scoliosis, bulging disc, and pinched nerves. At that time, she was actively exercising.
Throughout April, Sherina often wore a corset when traveling long distances, including when going back to her hometown. Now she no longer wears a corset, although she still feels sore when sitting.
Sherina also underwent treatment twice a week. She admitted that she had to rest a lot during the first two weeks of April. After her pain improved, Sherina started trying to walk.
"Next week's progress, walking in the water with the help of my mother who is an aquarobics instructor. Basically, I let the pain guide me. If it hurts, I stop or reduce the intensity. But it doesn't mean I stop and have a prolonged bed rest," wrote Sherina.
Despite having to go through it all, Sherina was still able to practice for the musical concert titled Embracing Dreams. The choreography was adjusted to Sherina's condition.
Finally, she managed to perform perfectly at the concert. Embracing Dreams is a collaboration between students from SMKN 2 Kasihan, Yogyakarta and local artists.
Although she has gradually recovered, Sherina could not immediately return to exercising as her body had a fever. Now, she is back to being fit and active.
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