Revalina S Temat is no longer as active in the entertainment industry as before. Apparently, she has many responsibilities at home. What are her busy activities? Let's find out more!
How are Indonesian Celebrities
Revalina S Temat is no longer as active in the entertainment industry as before. Apparently, she has many responsibilities at home. What are her busy activities? Let's find out more!
No longer active in the entertainment industry, it turns out Revalina is busy taking care of her family, especially her two growing children. Â
Being together with her family is the most precious thing for her. Â
His Instagram posts are dominated by moments with his family. Â
Not only fun moments with family, but there are also quite a few uploaded intimate photos with her husband. Â
Besides being busy taking care of her family, she is also busy managing her clothing business. Â
Although no longer active in the entertainment world, she apparently still exists with various hijab fashion.
Although she is 35 years old and has 2 children, Revalina still looks beautiful and charming, KLovers.
Read more about it here!
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