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8 Portraits of Artists Visiting Family Graves Ahead of Ramadan, Including Ririn Ekawati - Vina Panduwinata

8 Portraits of Artists Visiting Family Graves Ahead of Ramadan, Including Ririn Ekawati - Vina Panduwinata

Indonesian Celebrity Family

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8 Portraits of Artists Visiting Family Graves Ahead of Ramadan, Including Ririn Ekawati - Vina Panduwinata

Visiting graves of family members has become a tradition leading up to Ramadan, practiced by many people in Indonesia. This includes a number of local artists who take the time to remember their loved ones who have passed away.

This moment is shared on social media, which certainly catches the attention of netizens. Let's check out the photos! If not now, when?


Ririn Ekawati and Ibnu Jamil, who recently lost their beloved mother and mother-in-law, took the time to visit their parents' graves in preparation for Ramadan.


Fairuz A Rafiq and Sonny Septian came in full formation, bringing their three children to offer prayers and hopes for the family members who have passed away.


Reza Artamevia and Zahwa Massaid visited several family graves together, including the grave of the late Adjie Massaid whom they always miss.


Vina Panduwinata was seen visiting her family grave located in Bogor, West Java. Not alone, she visited with her close ones.


Ussy Sulistiawaty brought her children along when visiting her parents' grave, expressing how much she misses her family who have passed away.


Novita Angie also felt a deep longing when visiting her late father's grave, especially during the special moment of the holy month of Ramadan.


Chand Kelvin not only came to pray, but also to tidy up his late father's grave and scatter flowers with family.


Meanwhile, Elina Joerg reminisces about Mimih, who has passed away forever, recalling the warmth and togetherness they could still feel during Ramadan.