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Haji Faisal Speaks Out Regarding Fuji Being Paired with Aisar Khaled

Haji Faisal Speaks Out Regarding Fuji Being Paired with Aisar Khaled Credit: - The name Fuji is once again associated with a man. This time, she is said to be close to Aisar Khaled, an influencer from Malaysia. In response to this, Haji Faisal, Fuji's father, emphasized that his daughter is friends with anyone, but should not be immediately paired off.

"You all are like that. Sometimes I just befriend someone, and they are paired off. It’s not like that. Yes, being friends is with good people," said Haji Faisal at the Islamic Cemetery of Malaka, South Jakarta, Friday (28/2/2025)

According to him, everyone surely wants to have good friends, but it should not be immediately concluded that there are other intentions behind that friendship.

"Yes, we also want to be friends with good people. Who doesn’t want to have friends? But we befriend good people, it shouldn't be interpreted that the intentions are this way or that way, no," he explained.

1. Give Support While Positive

Haji Faisal believes that as long as the friendship brings benefits, there is nothing wrong. Especially if there is a business opportunity that can benefit many people.

"Our intentions are good, our purpose is good. Moreover, if there is a business intention involved, that's even better. The important thing is that it benefits them, benefits the community at large, and provides some entertainment that can relieve tension in society. I think that's great," he stated.

2. Surrender to God

When asked if Aisar's family has supported their relationship, Haji Faisal leaves all decisions to God.

"I don't even think that far. I just return it to God, as I said, there are four things: sustenance, meeting, death, and destiny are in God's hands," he said.

"No one can precede that. So don't you speculate. But I don't forbid you, if you want to speculate, that's fine too," he added.

3. Aisar or Verrell? 

When asked to choose between Aisar and Verrell Bramasta as the more suitable partner for Fuji, Haji Faisal was reluctant to comment further.

"Only God knows better. Why ask me? Only God knows," he said.

He also responded casually regarding his meeting with Aisar's family and encouraged everyone to think positively.

"Why meet? Want to make a vlog with him? Want to create content with him? So let's just think positively, introductions, meetings, or whatever they create, let's not think too much about the past," he said.

"What's important is that at that moment it has benefits for them, has benefits for the wider community, that's it. Let's think positively," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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