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Ria Ricis Reveals How to Teach Moana About Fasting During Ramadan

Ria Ricis Reveals How to Teach Moana About Fasting During Ramadan


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Ria Ricis Reveals How to Teach Moana About Fasting During Ramadan

Ria Ricis has started preparing herself to welcome the month of Ramadan. For her, maintaining health is the main thing to ensure she can carry out her worship smoothly. Regarding her work during the fasting month, Ricis hinted at a live broadcast schedule during sahur. However, she is still keeping the details a secret.

“Just wait and see, there will be some live sessions,” said Ria Ricis when met at Gandaria City recently.


Although Moana is still young, Ricis is still introducing her to the concept of fasting. She explains it in a simple way so that her child can start to understand.


Ricis also shared a story about how to teach her child, Moana, about fasting. She emphasized the importance of providing direct examples so that the child can understand better. “No, she just sees me breaking my fast, during sahur, then I tell her little by little. If she eats, I don’t eat, that means I’m fasting," she said.


“It’s okay, because teaching fasting doesn’t have to be during Ramadan. There are also Monday and Thursday fasts. As parents, we have to set an example while doing it. Because if we just tell them, it’s not enough," she said.


When breaking the fast, Ricis has several favorite foods that she always consumes. She prioritizes protein-rich foods to stay energized during fasting.“I like risoles, fried chicken, vegetables, as long as there’s protein," she said.


In addition, Ricis also emphasized that her relationship with her ex-husband remains good. She respects her former partner and maintains communication for the sake of mutual well-being.


"Good. I also have no problems. He is also close to my family. So there's no reason for me to criticize him. Because with good people, we should also be good," she stated.

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