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8 Portraits of Eddy Verhoeven, Paula Verhoeven's Father of Dutch-Chinese Descent - Looks Exactly Like His Daughter

8 Portraits of Eddy Verhoeven, Paula Verhoeven's Father of Dutch-Chinese Descent - Looks Exactly Like His Daughter Eddy Verhoeven - Paula Verhoeven © Instagram - Apparently Paula Verhoeven has a father who is just as handsome as Baim Wong. Yup, this father's name is Eddy Verhoeven. Although the father is rarely exposed, his children like to share their closeness on social media. No wonder the beauty of Paula Verhoeven is inseparable from her Dutch-Chinese heritage from her father. For those who are curious, let's take a look at the picture of Eddy Verhoeven!

1. Paula Verhoeven's Parents

Introducing Paula Verhoeven's parents. Her father's name is Eddy Verhoeven and her mother's name is Herlina Verhoeven.

2. Having Three Beautiful Daughters

Eddy has 3 daughters named Paula, Chelzea, and Mizheel. All three of them are equally beautiful!

3. Dutch-Chinese Descent

Despite his handsome looks, Eddy is actually of Dutch-Chinese descent.

4. Once Threatened Baim

Since the first meeting with Baim, who would have thought that Eddy would immediately threaten him. Paula's father once said to Baim that if he is sure about his daughter, he should immediately propose.

5. Resembling Paula

Many netizens say that the eyes and smile of the father resemble Paula. Do you agree?

6. Call His Father a Hero

At their wedding, Paula once said that her father was her first love and her hero.

7. Becoming Grandparents

It's very obvious that Eddy and Lina are happily embracing baby Kiano. Their first grandchild is indeed very cute.

8. Always Healthy and Happy

May Eddy and his family always be healthy and happy.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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