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8 Portraits of Naza Putri's Graduation, Visiting Her Father's Grave Wearing a Toga

8 Portraits of Naza Putri's Graduation, Visiting Her Father's Grave Wearing a Toga

Celebrity Children

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8 Portraits of Naza Putri's Graduation, Visiting Her Father's Grave Wearing a Toga

The marriage of Yayu Unru and Nita blessed them with 3 children. Among them, their second daughter named Nazalna Zania Unru has just graduated. In this moment of her graduation, Naza was accompanied by her mother and her two siblings.

What does Naza, the daughter of the late Yayu Unru, look like on her graduation? Check it out here!

8 Portraits of Naza Putri's Graduation, Visiting Her Father's Grave Wearing a Toga

This happy news was conveyed by the late Yayu Unru's wife, Nita. Through her personal Instagram, Nita uploaded several photos of her second daughter during her graduation.

8 Portraits of Naza Putri's Graduation, Visiting Her Father's Grave Wearing a Toga

"MasyAllah Alhamdulillah NAZALNA ZANIA UNRU S.H anak Ibu & Bapak. Semoga Allah bless the knowledge you have acquired to benefit yourself, your family, and many people," Nita wrote on her Instagram.


As an expression of gratitude and thankfulness, Naza kissed her mother's hand who has continuously supported her until she could achieve a law degree.


She also took a photo with her older brother, Widja Unru, who graduated a few years ago. Widja is very proud of her younger sister's graduation.

8 Portraits of Naza Putri's Graduation, Visiting Her Father's Grave Wearing a Toga

Not to be left behind, the youngest sibling, Fatih Unru, also continues to support his older sister. These three siblings get along very well.

8 Portraits of Naza Putri's Graduation, Visiting Her Father's Grave Wearing a Toga

Naza also shared this happy moment with her father. She came to Yayu Unru's grave wearing a toga. There, she knelt down and bowed her head on her father's tombstone.

8 Portraits of Naza Putri's Graduation, Visiting Her Father's Grave Wearing a Toga

As a mother, Nita also prays that the knowledge gained by her daughter can benefit many people. She also hopes that her daughter can remain humble.


"In the name of Allah, with Allah's blessings, mother's prayers are always there. Stay humble and use the knowledge you have to the best of your ability. Thank you for making me and my late father happy," she concluded.

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