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8 Recommendations for Anime About Yokai, Stories of Mysterious Creatures That Aren't Always Scary

8 Recommendations for Anime About Yokai, Stories of Mysterious Creatures That Aren't Always Scary Anime about Yokai (credit: - In the world of anime, the existence of yokai has become an interesting and fascinating theme for fans. Anime about yokai tells the story of the encounter between humans and supernatural creatures with various captivating and imaginative stories.

Anime about yokai presents the wonders and uniqueness of Japanese mythology, featuring familiar yet mysterious characters. Each story provides a different perspective on the relationship between humans and the supernatural world.

With beautiful visual depictions and thrilling storylines, this anime successfully captivates its audience with unexpected wonders. Here are recommendations for anime about yokai.


Rating8.3 Myanimelist
Judul LainNatsume Yuujinchou
Episode13 episode
Durasi24 menit
TayangCrunchyroll, Netflix

Rekomendasi anime tentang yokai yang pertama ada anime berjudul NATSUME'S BOOK OF FRIENDS. Anime ini berkisah tentang Takashi Natsume bisa melihat youkai, makhluk gaib. Ketika ia memecahkan penghalang tak terlihat, ia bertemu Madara, roh kucing beruntung.

Mereka berdua bekerja sama untuk melindungi Book of Friends milik mendiang nenek Natsume dari tipu daya youkai. Dalam petualangan mereka, Natsume belajar lebih banyak tentang youkai dan dirinya sendiri. Dan jadi anime tentang yokai yang seru untuk diikuti.


Rating7.9 Myanimelist
Judul LainNoragami
Episode12 episode
Durasi24 menit
TayangCrunchyroll, iQIYI

Kemudian, anime tentang yokai kedua ada anime berjudul NORAGAMI. Anime ini berkisah tentang sosok Dewa kecil bernama Yato yang bermimpi menjadi terkenal. Saat bertemu Hiyori, seorang gadis yang menyelamatkannya dari kecelakaan, hidupnya berubah. Bersama-sama, mereka mencari cara untuk mengembalikan Hiyori ke tubuhnya dan membawa keberuntungan bagi Yato.


Rating7.4 Myanimelist
Judul LainFukigen na Mononokean
Episode13 episode
Durasi24 menit

Lalu ada anime berjudul THE MOROSE MONONOKEAN. Anime tentang yokai ini berkisah tentang Hanae Ashiya, murid SMA yang sial dan terbelit masalah dengan youkai. Untuk membebaskannya, dia bekerja di Mononokean dengan Abeno, pemiliknya yang tak ramah. Bersama, mereka hadapi youkai unik dan berbahaya.


Rating7.6 Myanimelist
Judul LainNura: Rise of the Yokai Clan
Episode24 episode
Durasi24 menit
TayangCrunchyroll, VIU

Lanjut, ada anime berjudul NURARIHYON NO MAGO, yang jadi anime tentang yokai lainnya. Anime NURARIHYON NO MAGO ini berkisah tentang karakter Rikuo Nura, seorang anak setengah youkai dan setengah manusia, ingin hidup sebagai manusia biasa.

Namun, dia harus menghadapi tantangan saat musuh mengintai dan teman-temannya menantang pandangannya. Untuk melindungi orang-orang yang disayanginya, Rikuo harus menerima sisi youkai dalam diri dan menjadi pemimpin Klan Nura berikutnya.


Rating8.6 Myanimelist
Judul LainMushishi
Episode26 episodes
Durasi23 minutes

Anime MUSHI-SHI tells the story of Mushi, mysterious entities that live in the world. Ginko, a Mushi researcher, seeks answers about their existence. In his journey, he pursues rumors and mysteries related to Mushi, hoping to understand their place in life and the meaning of their existence.


Rating8.4 Myanimelist
Judul LainMononoke
Episode12 episodes
Durasi22 minutes

Then there is an anime titled MONONOKE, which tells the story of a medicine seller who is an expert in the occult, traveling in feudal Japan to exterminate evil spirits called "mononoke". When he encounters them, he must understand their Form, Truth, and Reason before killing them with the Sword of Exorcism.

While staying at an ancient inn, he discovers that the last vacant room is inhabited by Zashiki Warashi, a deadly mononoke. With his intelligence, the Medicine Seller must investigate to defeat the mononoke before they attack again. Thus, it becomes an exciting anime to follow about yokai.


Rating7.7 Myanimelist
Judul LainHozuki's Coolheadedness
Episode13 episode
Durasi24 menit
TayangCrunchyroll, Netflix

Anime titled HOOZUKI NO REITETSU is an anime about yokai that tells the story of Hoozuki, the deputy head of Lord Enma, who runs bureaucracy with extraordinary efficiency. With great negotiation skills, he handles problems from advice to diplomatic missions with employees like demons and gods. In this dark comedy rich in references, Hoozuki faces unique challenges with a sadistic and cool-headed style.


Rating7.8 Myanimelist
Judul LainUchouten Kazoku
Episode13 episode
Durasi24 menit

Then there is another anime about yokai titled THE ECCENTRIC FAMILY. This anime is set in Kyoto and inhabited by tanuki and tengu, supernatural creatures living alongside humans without their knowledge. The story focuses on the character Yasaburou Shimogamo, a son of the tanuki family.

He lives a relaxed life, taking care of an old tengu and interacting with humans, including a mysterious woman named Benten. However, bitter memories of his father's murder threaten his peace and force Yasaburou to uncover the truth.

That is the list of anime about yokai that you can watch. Anime about yokai depict interesting stories between humans and supernatural beings, captivating viewers with unforgettable wonders and mysteries.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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