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Kapanlagi.com - Tahajud Prayer is one of the highly recommended sunnah prayers. Tahajud Prayer is performed after Isha prayer until before Subuh prayer, especially after sleeping. The ruling of performing Tahajud Prayer is sunnah mu'akkadah, which means highly recommended. Not only the prayer itself, there is also a recommendation for prayer after Tahajud Prayer to be recited.
Although not obligatory, its implementation provides extraordinary virtues and blessings. The recommendation to perform Tahajud Prayer can be found in the hadiths of Prophet Muhammad SAW and the verses of the Quran. One of them, in Surah Al-Isra' verse 79, which roughly means:
"And during a part of the night, pray Tahajud as an additional worship for you; hopefully your Lord will raise you to a praiseworthy position."
Reciting remembrance and prayer after Tahajud Prayer is believed to provide various benefits, such as the acceptance of prayers. Well, the readings prayers after Tahajud, let's just listen to the following discussion:
Reading Istighfar 100 Times (credit: unsplash)
One of the recommended readings after Tahajud prayer is to recite istighfar 100 times. This is important considering that Tahajud in the third of the night is a moment of closeness to Allah SWT with His servants. Therefore, Tahajud can be a moment to seek forgiveness and cleanse oneself through reciting istighfar.
Here is the recitation of istighfar that can be recited after Tahajud prayer:
"Allahumma Anta Robbi, laa ilaha illa Anta khalaqtani wa ana abduka, wa ana ala ahdika wawa'dika mastatho'tu, audzubika min syarri ma shona'tu, abu'u laka bini'matika alayya wa abu'u laka bi dzanbi, faghfirli, fa innahu la yaghfirudz-dzunuuba illa Anta."
"O Allah, You are my Lord, there is no god but You. You have created me and I am Your servant. I abide by Your covenant and promise according to my ability. I seek refuge in You from the evil of my deeds, I acknowledge my sins to You and I acknowledge Your blessings upon me, so forgive me. For no one can forgive sins except You."
In addition to istighfar, it is also recommended to read sholawat after performing Tahajud prayer. The recitation of sholawat is a prayer as well as praise for Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, and his companions. Here is the recitation of sholawat that can be read after performing Tahajud prayer:
"Allahumma Shalli 'Alaa Sayyidinaa Muhammad Wa'alaa Aali Sayyidinaa Muhammadin."
"O Allah, bestow peace upon Prophet Muhammad and his family."
Reading Asmaul Husna (credit: usplash)
In addition to praising the Prophet Muhammad SAW, his family, and his companions, after performing Tahajud prayer, it is also recommended to praise the name of Allah SWT. One of the ways to praise and glorify the name of Allah SWT is by reciting Asmaul Husna. Reciting Asmaul Husna can also bring Muslims closer to their creator during Tahajud prayer.
1. Ar Rahman: The Most Compassionate
2. Ar Rahiim: The Most Merciful
3. Al Malik: The King of All Kings
4. Al Quddus: The Most Holy
5. As Salaam : The Bestower of Peace
6.Al Mu'min : The Bestower of Security
7.Al Muhaimin : The Guardian
8.Al 'Aziiz : The Mighty
9.Al Jabbar : The Compeller
10.Al Mutakabbir : The Majestic
11.Al Khaliq : The Creator
12. Al Ghaniyy: The Self-Sufficient
89. Al Mughnii: The Bestower of Wealth
90. Al Maani: The Preventer
91. Ad Dhaar: The Inflictor of Harm
92. An Nafii': The Bestower of Benefits
93. An Nuur: The Illuminating
94. Al Haadii: The Guide
95. Al Badii': The Incomparable Creator
96. Al Baaqii: The Everlasting
97. Al Waarits: The Inheritor
98. Ar Rasyiid: The Wise
99. As Shabuur: The Patient
Al Baari' : The Evolver13.Al Mushawwir : The Fashioner
14.Al Ghaffaar : The Forgiver
15.Al Qahhaar : The Subduer
16.Al Wahhaab : The Bestower
17.Ar Razzaaq : The Provider
18.Al Fattaah : The Opener
19. Al 'Aliim : The All-Knowing
20.Al Qaabidh : The Withholder
21.Al Baasith : The Expander
22.Al Khaafidh : The Abaser
23.Ar Raafi' : The Exalter
24.Al Mu'izz : The Honorer
25.Al Mudzil : The Humiliator
26. Al Samii' : The All-Hearing
27.Al Bashiir : The All-Seeing
28.Al Hakam : The Judge
29.Al 'Adl : The Just
30.Al Lathiif : The Gentle
41.Al Jaliil : The Sublime
42.Al Kariim : The Generous
43. Ar Raqiib: The Ever Watchful
44. Al Mujiib: The Responsive
45. Al Waasi': The All-Encompassing
46. Al Hakim: The Wise
47. Al Waduud: The Loving
48. Al Majiid: The Glorious
49. Al Baa': The Resurrector
50. As Syahiid: The Witness
51. Al Haqq: The Truth
52. Al Wakiil: The Guardian
53. Al Qawiyyu: The Mighty
54. Al Matiin: The Strong
55. Al Waliyy: The Protector
56. Al Hamiid: The Praiseworthy
57. Al Muhshii: The Reckoner
58. Al Mubdi': The Originator
59. Al Mu'iid: The Restorer of Life
60. Al Muhyii: The Giver of Life
61. Al Mumiitu: The Bringer of Death
62. Al Hayyu: The Ever Living
63. Al Qayyuum: The Self-Subsisting
64. Al Waajid: The Finder
65. Al Maajid: The Honorable
66. Al Wahid: The One and Only
67. Al Ahad: The Unique
68. As Shamad: The Satisfier of Needs
69. Al Qaadir: The Determiner
70. Al Muqtadir: The All-Powerful
81. Al Muntaqim: The Ultimate Avenger
82. Al Afuww: The Most Forgiving
83. Ar Ra'uuf: The Most Merciful
84. Malikul Mulk: The Supreme Ruler of the Universe
85. Dzul Jalaali WalIkraam: The Possessor of Majesty and Honour
86. Al Muqsith: The Equitable
87. Al Jamii': The Gatherer
Prayer After Tahajud Prayer (credit: unsplash)
There is a special prayer recommended to be recited after the Tahajud prayer. The specific prayer after the Tahajud prayer can be intended to seek guidance for the problems at hand.
Here is the prayer that can be recited after the Tahajud prayer with the intention of drawing closer to Allah and seeking guidance:
"O Allah, all praise is due to You. You are the Sustainer of the heavens and the earth and all that is within them. All praise is due to You. You are the Sovereign of the heavens and the earth and all that is within them. All praise is due to You. You are the Light of the heavens and the earth and all that is within them. You are the Truth. Your promise is true. Meeting You is true. Your word is true. Paradise is true. Hellfire is true. The Prophets are true. And Muhammad, peace be upon him, is true. The Hour is true. O Allah, to You I submit. In You I believe. In You I trust. To You I turn. With You I compete. To You I judge. So forgive me for what I have done in the past and what I will do in the future, what I have concealed and what I have declared. You are the One who brings forward and the One who delays. There is no deity except You." Wa laa haula wa laa quwwata illaa billaah."
"O Allah, to You belongs all praise. You are the One who takes care of the heavens and the earth and all creatures in them. And to You belongs all praise, You are the King of the heavens and the earth and all creatures in them. And to You belongs all praise, You are the light of the heavens and the earth and all creatures in them.
And to You belongs all praise, You are the Most truthful, Your promises are true, meeting with You is true, Your words are true, paradise is true, hellfire is true, the prophets are true and Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) is true, and the Day of Judgment is true.
O Allah, only to You do I surrender, in You do I believe, on You do I rely, only to You do I turn (repent), to You do I complain. And to You I seek judgment, so forgive my past and future sins, what I have hidden and what I have done openly, and what You know better than me. You are the One who comes first and the One who comes last, there is no god but You, and there is no power (to avoid sins) and no strength (to perform worship) except with the help of Allah."
Reading Prayer According to Desire (credit: unsplash)
In addition to reciting the above prayer after Tahajud, Muslims are also allowed to recite prayers according to their own desires or hopes. In relation to this, Muslims are free to recite any prayer according to their requests to Allah SWT.
Those are some of the explanations regarding prayers after Tahajud prayer. Hopefully, it is beneficial and can increase knowledge, especially regarding Islam, and strengthen faith as a Muslim. Amin.
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