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9 Beautiful Portraits of Jessica Iskandar's Mother that Rarely Get Attention, Had Plastic Surgery to Tighten Cheek Skin in Korea

9 Beautiful Portraits of Jessica Iskandar's Mother that Rarely Get Attention, Had Plastic Surgery to Tighten Cheek Skin in Korea


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9 Beautiful Portraits of Jessica Iskandar's Mother that Rarely Get Attention, Had Plastic Surgery to Tighten Cheek Skin in Korea

Jessica Iskandar's beauty always captivates anyone. No wonder Jedar's beautiful face is inherited from her mother.

Jedar's mother, Wulandari, is rarely in the spotlight. However, her togetherness with her daughter is always a highlight. Check out the portraits below!

9 Beautiful Portraits of Jessica Iskandar's Mother that Rarely Get Attention, Had Plastic Surgery to Tighten Cheek Skin in Korea

Being raised in a mixed-religion family, it turns out that Jedar and her parents still maintain harmony. Yes, Jedar's father is a Muslim while her mother is a Christian.


Rarely seen, Jessica Iskandar's beauty comes from her mother's enchanting lineage.


Wulandari, Jedar's mother, always faithfully accompanies and supports her beloved daughter on happy days.


Looking forever young, Wulan looks so beautiful wearing kebaya and sanggul.


Many say that Wulan is like Jedar's sister.

9 Beautiful Portraits of Jessica Iskandar's Mother that Rarely Get Attention, Had Plastic Surgery to Tighten Cheek Skin in Korea

El Barack's grandmother is also very close to her son-in-law's family.


In 2019, Jedar uploaded a photo before and after her mother underwent plastic surgery to tighten her cheek skin in South Korea.


Although it received mixed reactions, the request from Jedar's mother since she was still in school has finally been fulfilled by her daughter.


Now her skin is even tighter, do you agree that Jedar and her mother look like siblings?