5 years together, Alvin Faiz and Larissa Chou come with surprising news. They have decided to end their marriage.
What was their love journey like before? Find out more here.
Celebrity Divorce
5 years together, Alvin Faiz and Larissa Chou come with surprising news. They have decided to end their marriage.
What was their love journey like before? Find out more here.
Alvin Faiz officially married Larissa Chou on August 6, 2016.
This marriage went viral because Alvin was still very young, only 17 years old.
At that time, Larissa herself was 3 years older than Alvin, namely 20 years old.
They met through social media. Larissa, who has an interest in Islam, discussed with Alvin.
Eventually, Larissa decided to embrace Islam with Alvin's guidance.
After getting married, they were blessed with their first son on June 9, 2017.
They appear harmonious and rarely do negative news affect their marriage life.
However, on Friday (21/5), surprising news emerged. Larissa and Alvin decided to end their marriage.
Alvin added that this decision was a mutual agreement. In addition, there were no external factors such as a third party, violence, or polygamy.
Larissa Chou has given several hints before filing for divorce from Alvin Faiz. Through an Instagram post, the woman affectionately called Rissa expressed her feelings.
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The divorce lawsuit has been filed by Larissa Chou in the religious court. She is determined to separate from Alvin Faiz after 5 years together and having one child from the marriage.
Alvin Faiz is furious reading comments on his Instagram account regarding the cause of his divorce from Larissa Chou.
Larissa Chou chooses to call Alvin Faiz by another name which then triggers divorce rumors.
Larissa Chou and Alvin Faiz's marriage is on the verge of divorce. The first divorce trial has already been scheduled...
Larissa Chou submitted the lawsuit on Thursday (20/5) afternoon.
Amidst divorce rumors, this is what the Cibinong Religious Court revealed about the relationship between Alvin Faiz and Larissa Chou.
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