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9 Portraits of Andre Taulany Speaking Out About His Divorce News, Explaining the Meaning of His Viral Instagram Post

9 Portraits of Andre Taulany Speaking Out About His Divorce News, Explaining the Meaning of His Viral Instagram Post

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9 Portraits of Andre Taulany Speaking Out About His Divorce News, Explaining the Meaning of His Viral Instagram Post

Shocking news suddenly comes from the household of comedian Andre Taulany and his wife, Rien Wartia Trigina or Erin. It turns out that Andre has filed for divorce at the Tiga Raksa Religious Court against Erin on April 4, 2024.

This certainly raises questions from the public, as the divorce news has only recently surfaced. Moreover, Andre Taulany is known to be friendly and family-oriented, which makes the public curious about the reasons behind the divorce.


In relation to this, when met in the Tendean area, South Jakarta, on Thursday (8/8), Andre Taulany finally spoke up. He explained that this did not happen suddenly, but rather had been discussed and thought out thoroughly. 


"Decisions are not made in an instant. Of course, they have been thought out carefully and have gone through a process of mutual discussion. Everything has been considered well," said Andre Taulany.


When asked further, unfortunately, Andre Taulany did not disclose in detail the reasons for his divorce from his wife. Therefore, many also believe that the collapse of their household was due to a third party.


This assumption arose because of Andre Taulany's viral post on his personal Instagram account. The image showed three people, two of whom were hugging, and one person holding a knife.


Andre firmly denied the opinion. He argued that the image he uploaded was good and interesting, which is why he was interested in reposting it.


"That was a repost from me. That picture is good; if Mr. Tino Sidin were here, it would definitely be great. Actually, it wasn't for anything," he said.


"I posted it so that my friends could see a life like this. It's called life; it has its dynamics. Those are just negative-minded people," he continued.


In addition, Andre Taulany did not specify exactly when his household problems began. He only stated that this decision had been carefully considered.


"For a long time. This is not something sudden. It has often been discussed and now is the time," he remarked, this time more seriously.

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