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9 Portraits of Kylie, Andi Soraya's Third Child, That Are Rarely Seen, Beautiful Like a Doll - So Similar to Her Mother

9 Portraits of Kylie, Andi Soraya's Third Child, That Are Rarely Seen, Beautiful Like a Doll - So Similar to Her Mother Andi Soraya (credit: - Rarely seen on screen, the beautiful artist Andi Soraya is busy taking care of her third child who is currently two years old. The beautiful face of her third child, who is affectionately called baby Kylie, has attracted a lot of public attention.

As is known, Andi Soraya embarked on a journey of marriage with a businessman named Andi Ali Gaffar in 2016. They have now been blessed with a beautiful child named Andi Kylie Zhivanna Ali.

Their third child is currently actively growing and showing various cute behaviors. It's no wonder that Kylie has attracted a lot of attention from the public due to her beautiful and adorable appearance. Kylie also has a personal Instagram account with over 28 thousand followers.

Various cute photos of their child are often uploaded by Andi on her personal Instagram account, showcasing Kylie's adorable poses. Moreover, their third child also receives abundant love from her two older brothers who are now growing up.

Curious about what Kylie, Andi Soraya's third child, looks like? Let's take a look at some reviews below and see Kylie's cute poses at the age of 2 years old.


1. Very Beautiful

This third child of Andi Soraya and Andi Ali Gaffar has a captivating beautiful face, even since Kylie was born, she has attracted a lot of attention from netizens because of her beautiful face. It's no wonder that Kylie currently has many fans on her personal social media account with many followers.

A number of positive comments are often seen when Andi Soraya uploads a portrait of her baby on her personal social media account as well as Kylie's. Isn't she very beautiful, KLovers?

2. Resembling Her Mother

Some time ago, Andi Soraya uploaded a childhood picture of herself alongside her third child. Look at this picture, their faces are very similar and equally beautiful. Even Kylie's hairstyle and Andi Soraya's hairstyle when she was young are almost identical. It's no wonder that Kylie inherited her beautiful mother's face as seen in this picture. Isn't she adorable?

"Time capsule.. when Kylie once lived in the past, 2 years ago, so adorable," wrote Andi Soraya in the caption @andisorayabeatrix.

3. Active Play

As she grows older, Kylie becomes more active in playing and exploring various things. These moments are often uploaded by her mother on her personal Instagram account, showing the funny behavior of her child.

Kylie also participates in several special toddler classes that showcase her agility and cuteness. It is not uncommon for Kylie to accompany her mother in activities at home, such as cooking.

4. So Cute

As a toddler, it's no wonder that the various antics of the child are so cute and adorable. Just like Andi Soraya's third child, Kylie, who looks so cute while playing with a purple colored marker.

Kylie even scribbles on her legs and hands with that marker. Seeing this, it certainly surprised her mother when she realized that her child's body was full of marker scribbles. Nevertheless, Kylie remains adorable, right KLovers?

5. Like a Doll

Seeing Kylie's portrait at such a young age, anyone would agree that she is so adorable and beautiful like a doll. Especially when she is placed next to the doll right in front of her, making her look like a real doll.

Many netizens find this photo cute and mention that she really looks like a Barbie doll. The same thing is acknowledged by her mother who asks the adorable question.

"Sorry, whose doll was left at my house????," wrote Andi Soraya in the caption @andisorayabeatrix.

6. Loved by Her Older Brothers

As known, Andi Soraya has three children, where two of her sons are from a previous marriage. Her two sons are named Shawn Adrian Khulafa and Darren Sterling Emmanuel, who are currently adults.

Shawn and Darren even love their younger sister very much and often spend time together. Like this moment when the small family of Andi Soraya is gathered together, complete with all three of her children.

7. Vacation in Japan

On Kylie's birthday a while ago, Andi Soraya and her husband took her on a vacation to Japan. Andi revealed that Kylie was amazed when she saw snow for the first time. Despite that, Kylie looked happy with her cheerful face as seen in this photo.

"Kylie's 2nd birthday in Japan. The baby saw snow for the first time.. kept looking, but couldn't eat the ice," wrote Andi Soraya in @andisorayabeatrix.

8. Cute Wearing Muslim Clothing

Kylie's adorable and cute face has captured the public's attention when her mother dressed her in Muslim clothing as seen in this photo. Even Kylie knows how to pose and show off her beautiful face. It seems that her mother's talent in the entertainment industry is also present in Kylie, wouldn't she be a great model?

9. Cute Wearing Sabrina Outfit

Take a look at Kylie in this portrait wearing a pink and black patterned sabrina outfit, she looks really cute and adorable, right? Especially with her chubby cheeks that make netizens fall in love. Various unique outfits and OOTDs are often worn by Andi Soraya for Kylie, making her look beautiful and cute.

So those are 9 portraits of Kylie, Andi Soraya's third child, that are rarely seen, she is as beautiful as a doll and just like her mother. What do you think, KLovers?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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