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Accepting the Role of Kuntilanak Ghost, Nita Gunawan Admits to Being Sensitive to the Presence of Supernatural Beings Since Childhood

Accepting the Role of Kuntilanak Ghost, Nita Gunawan Admits to Being Sensitive to the Presence of Supernatural Beings Since Childhood Nita Gunawan - Credit: Kipas Kipas Documentation - Nita Gunawan has once again received an offer to act in a horror film. This time it is titled ANAK KUNTI directed by Bambang Drias and produced by Sinema Imaji and Kipas Kipas.

In this film, Nita takes on the role of a kuntilanak ghost. To prepare herself, she has been watching more Indonesian horror films as references.

"I prepared for this film because it's my first time playing a demon, so I watched all Indonesian horror films. In a day, I can watch two to three films, sometimes even until late at night if there's no event," said Nita when met in the Ampera area, South Jakarta, on Wednesday (6/3/2024).

1. Really Like Watching Horror Movies

Nita Gunawan admits that she is not afraid to watch horror movies, even at night. Because in reality, she is sensitive to the presence of supernatural beings and what is depicted in movies is less scary.

"I really like horror movies. So every time I watch a horror movie, I'm not scared. Because in my life, I have encountered the real ones. The real ones are more terrifying than in movies," Nita frankly said.

2. Sensitive since Childhood

Nita Gunawan's sensitivity to supernatural beings can be felt since childhood. Now that she is an adult, she has become accustomed to seeing things like that.

"Yes, indeed since I was little I could feel it. For example, in a room, even if they don't show themselves to me, I can feel that something is there. Now (the ability) still exists, but maybe because I'm getting older, I'm also getting used to it. So I'm not that scared," Nita said.

In the movie ANAK KUNTI, Nita Gunawan plays the role of a kuntilanak ghost. She will act alongside several famous names in the country such as Iwa K, Jajang C Noer, Selvi Kitty, Gisellma Firmansyah, and Wavi Zihan.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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