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Ali Syakieb Posts Romantic Photos with Margin Wieheerm, Advised Not to Show Off Before Official

Ali Syakieb Posts Romantic Photos with Margin Wieheerm, Advised Not to Show Off Before Official Ali Syakieb and Margin (credit: - Being a celebrity means being prepared for your life to always be watched and commented on by many people, including matters of love. But of course, there will be many who admire and support the positive side too.

That's what actor Ali Syakieb is currently experiencing. His handsomeness has made him have many female fans. But remember, Ali is no longer alone. Currently, he is in a relationship with the beautiful celebrity named Margin Wieheerm.

Both Ali and Margin are no longer shy about showing their romance. They often post intimate photos on their respective Instagram accounts.

1. Togetherness at Puncak

On Wednesday (27/5/2020), Ali uploaded a photo together with Margin with a green landscape background. From the caption, it seems that these two lovebirds spent time together at Puncak.

A series of praises mentioning that they are compatible flooded the comment section. Many also prayed for Ali and Margin to reach the wedding stage, becoming husband and wife.

2. Receiving Advice

A few days earlier, Ali uploaded his photos with Margin collaged while joking around like in a photobox. In the photo, they both looked so happy. Unfortunately, there were some comments giving advice. One comment said that Ali shouldn't show too much affection if it's not official yet, which was agreed by many other netizens.

Well, hopefully Ali and Margin will always be happy and continue their relationship! <3


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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