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Allowed to Enter the Operating Room, Opick Amazed to See His Wife's Struggle in Giving Birth via Caesarean Section

Allowed to Enter the Operating Room, Opick Amazed to See His Wife's Struggle in Giving Birth via Caesarean Section Opick © - Singer Opick was recently blessed with a second son from his marriage with Bebi Silvana. The baby, named Maulana Muhammad Husein Abdulloh El Firdaus, was born on Wednesday (1/6) morning at a hospital in Bandung.

What's interesting is that Opick was given the opportunity to accompany Bebi Silvana in the operating room. There, he was amazed to see how a woman goes through a caesarean delivery.

"Coincidentally, I was allowed to participate in the operation process, so I saw it directly. Masha Allah, the struggle of a woman to give birth to a baby in her womb is extraordinary," said Opick as quoted by during a Zoom video conference on Thursday (2/6) night.

1. Understands How Painful It Is

While in the operating room, Opick saw the equipment used by the doctor to perform the caesarean section. To some extent, he could imagine the pain his wife experienced.

"I saw how the stomach was opened, what the knife looked like, Masha Allah, I could witness and realize the pain that would follow," said the man known for his song Tombo Ati.

2. Read Salawat as Much as Possible

After the child was successfully delivered, Opick immediately brought his lips closer to the tiny ears. He played the sound of azan, iqamah, followed by salawat.

"When the child came out, I immediately recited azan, iqamah, read salawat as much as possible. Hoping that this child can be someone who is meaningful, not only for himself, but also for everyone," hopes Opick.

3. Details of the Meaning of the Child's Name

Opick's second son was given a quite long name, namely Maulana Muhammad Husein Abdulloh El Firdaus. When analyzed, the name has a special meaning that is close to Islam.

"Maulana means helper, Muhammad means praiseworthy, Husein and Abdulloh are beloved grandchildren of the Prophet, then El Firdaus is my name. All of my children have Firdaus as their last name," explained the 48-year-old man.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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