Approaching the holy month of Ramadan, many people perform pilgrimages as a tradition. This was also done by Ibnu Jamil and Ririn Ekawati. They visited the grave of Ferry Wijaya, Ririn's late husband. Take a look at the photos!
Celebrity Activities
Approaching the holy month of Ramadan, many people perform pilgrimages as a tradition. This was also done by Ibnu Jamil and Ririn Ekawati. They visited the grave of Ferry Wijaya, Ririn's late husband. Take a look at the photos!
As known, Ibnu Jamil officially proposed to Ririn in January 2021. Therefore, he also officially became a stepfather to Ririn's children.
As a father, Ibnu Jamil always accompanies Ririn's children, including when visiting Ferry Wijaya's grave, Ririn's late husband who passed away in 2017.
Visiting the family gravesite has become a tradition for many people before Ramadan. It is often a moment to remember the deceased.
Little Cattleya, Ririn's daughter, appeared to be very emotional during the visit. She kissed the tombstone and even hugged it.
Ibnu Jamil, as a vigilant father, immediately comforted the little girl, who is commonly called Yaya. They then prayed together.
Previously, Ririn had taken Yaya to visit her father's grave in February. At that time, Yaya was wearing all black and carrying flowers.
Yaya herself was not even 1 year old when her father passed away from Leukemia. It can be said that she did not receive much love from her biological father.
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