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Already Have Two Children, Putri Titian is Called Like a Teenager When Posting Cute Selfies

Already Have Two Children, Putri Titian is Called Like a Teenager When Posting Cute Selfies Putri Titian and her two children (credit: - Beautiful actress Putri Titian has always been associated with a cute, baby-faced, and adorable image. For those who don't know, the woman who is usually called Tian is now 29 years old. Not only that, the wife of Junior Liem already has two children.

Nevertheless, Tian until now doesn't look much different from when she first entered the entertainment world. Until now, her aura is still cute and she looks younger than her actual age.

1. Selfie with Daisy Filter

The cuteness of Tian was once again proven through a selfie that she uploaded on Instagram on Thursday (18/6/2020). Initially, she just wanted to express her happiness because there was a photo filter that allowed her to edit her selfie with her favorite flowers.

"I like daisy flowers. Oh, there's this filter on IG. I really like it! Thank you @janineintansari for the filter #cakepkarenafilter," Tian wrote, very excited.

2. Praised Like a Teenager

Although she admitted that she looked good because of the filter, Tian is naturally very beautiful. Praises were given to her by her followers. Most of them said Tian still looks like a teenager and like a young girl.

Do you agree with the opinion of netizens? Well, for Tian and her family, I hope you stay healthy and happy always :)


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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