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Ammar Zoni Officially Appeals After Being Divorced from Irish Bella

Ammar Zoni Officially Appeals After Being Divorced from Irish Bella Ammar Zoni Appeals (Credit: © - Actor Ammar Zoni has filed an appeal against the divorce decision with his ex-wife, Irish Bella. Through his lawyer, Jon Mathias, Ammar Zoni filed the appeal on February 13, 2024, at the Depok Religious Court, West Java.

"We filed the appeal on February 13, one day before the deadline, because February 14 is the election day," said Jon Mathias Ammar Zoni at the West Jakarta Police Station on Wednesday (21/2/2024).

"Now we have advanced it to February 13 and submitted it to the Depok Religious Court. Currently, we are preparing the appeal memorandum, which is usually given a 14-day period since the appeal application is submitted," added Jon Mathias.

1. Compiling an Appeal Memorandum

Jon Mathias stated that they are currently compiling an appeal memorandum after being given 14 days.

"Now we are compiling the appeal memorandum, usually given 14 days after the appeal application is submitted, so the appeal will be later," he said.

2. Feeling Objection

Jon Mathias revealed that they feel objections to the judge's decision regarding Ammar Zoni. According to him, there are grounds for the lawsuit that need to be corrected.

"Well, if there are objections, of course, the objections are about the grounds for the lawsuit that will definitely be corrected, now that we have just obtained the Religious Court's decision," he said.

"Now we are studying what the decision is, what we will dispute later, we will arrange it first and we will inform it close to the day when we will provide it during the appeal," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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