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Anger, Jennifer Ipel Throws Clothes Including Underwear Ajun Perwira into the Swimming Pool

Anger, Jennifer Ipel Throws Clothes Including Underwear Ajun Perwira into the Swimming Pool Ajun Perwira and Jennifer Ipel © Instagram/Ajunperwira - The anger of Jennifer Ipel towards Ajun Perwira seems to still be burning. In her Insta Story post, Ipel is seen throwing Ajun's clothes, including her husband's underwear, into the swimming pool.

Ipel threw the clothes into the swimming pool in her luxurious house. This incident was recorded by Ipel and a friend who was present at the scene that night.

"Sorry," Ipel wrote in her Insta Story.

1. New Clothes Thrown

The source of Ipel's anger towards Ajun is unknown, but he seems very angry. When his friend posted on Insta Story, Ipel reposted it and said that this is just clothes, not anything else.

"I want to say astagfirullah, but I'm not Muslim," said the friend when reminding Ipel.

"Just clothes, not anything else," replied Ipel on Insta Story.

2. Ajun at the Scene?

Interestingly, Ajun is suspected to be at the same swimming pool when the clothes were thrown. In his Insta Story post, Ajun showed a short video.

In the video, Ajun showed the swimming pool being heavily rained on. The location is very similar to the pool at Ipel's house, where he also lives after marrying the mother of four children.

So what is the problem between them? As of this news being published, is still trying to obtain further information.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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