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The Storm of Their Household with Arjun Perwira is Called a Setup, Jennifer Ipel: T**ol

The Storm of Their Household with Arjun Perwira is Called a Setup, Jennifer Ipel: T**ol Ajun Perwira and Jennifer Ipel © Instagram/Ajunperwira - The turbulence of Ajun Perwira and Jennifer Ipel's household has been going on for several days. Although they have uploaded several photos together, it seems that there is still no sign of reconciliation from Ipel.

Recently, Ipel got angry because her fight with Ajun was called a setup. According to the mother of four children, she doesn't have time to make a setup with Ajun.

"You know, all of this. Some say I'm setting up with Ajun. I'm setting up a fight with Ajun. Honey, a household doesn't need a setup, a fight. I'm not that diligent. My house is big, there are many people I have to take care of, my children. Why would I bother setting up. T**ol," said Ipel in the Insta Story that aired yesterday, Tuesday, (24/2).

1. There Will Always Be Problems in Marriage

Furthermore, Ipel reveals that there will always be problems in a marriage. Because without the spice of arguments, marriage will not feel enjoyable.

"Everything is just a coincidence. But nothing is a coincidence for me. It's called a household, if there's no spice of quarrels, it won't be fun. But if you say it's all set up, well, who knows. It's like I have nothing else to do but take care of a set-up child," she continued.

2. Ajun Expresses Love to Ipel

Although Ajun and Ipel were previously holding hands, the conflicts in their marriage are apparently still heating up. However, on his personal Instagram account, Ajun still uploads posts from his wife.

Ajun and Ipel are still exchanging comments. The latest one, Ipel posted that she hopes there will be someone who has a crush on her after seeing her photo, and Ajun responded that he is her husband.

But Ipel responded quite arrogantly. "Who are youuuu? I want to find someone who has a crush on me," she replied.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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