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Ashanty Causes a Stir by Matching Arsy with King Faaz, Fairuz A Rafiq's Child, Here's Anang Hermansyah's Response

Ashanty Causes a Stir by Matching Arsy with King Faaz, Fairuz A Rafiq's Child, Here's Anang Hermansyah's Response Anang and Ashanty match Arsy with King Faaz © - Recently, the artist Ashanty has been busy matchmaking Arsy Hermansyah with King Faaz, the son of Fairuz A Rafiq. This is because Ashanty is attracted to King Faaz's handsomeness.

What makes Ashanty even more attracted is that King Faaz is so skilled at reciting the holy verses of the Quran. Therefore, Ashanty wants to introduce and match Arsy Hermansyah with King Faaz.

1. Anang Speaks Out

In response to this, Ashanty's husband, Anang Hermansyah, laughed when he saw his child being matched with King Faaz. Anang admitted that King Faaz is handsome and also skilled at reciting the holy verses of the Quran. As Arsy's father, Anang hopes that Arsy can meet King Faaz.

"Yes, he is handsome, hopefully Arsy also likes him and they can meet," said Anang Hermansyah in Pondok Indah, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (2/2/2022).

2. Becoming New Friends

Anang expresses hope that a relationship can be formed between Arsy Hermansyah and King Faaz, becoming new friends for the child.

"Because it would be more fun for Arsy to have many friends at her age, I hope they can meet soon so that she can have new friends," said Anang.

3. It's Okay If They End Up Together

Anang himself is not too concerned about the possibility of a romantic relationship between King Faaz and Arsy. Considering their young age, Anang doesn't mind if his child ends up with King Faaz.

"Well, their parents are our friends, and matchmaking is in God's hands. If God blesses it and their parents know each other well, very well-mannered, why not if they end up together," concluded Anang.

4. Going to be a Millennial Grandfather

On the other hand, Anang is eagerly awaiting the birth of his first grandchild. With the presence of Aurel and Atta Halilintar's child, musician Anang Hermansyah will automatically have a new status as a grandfather.

"It's okay for grandfathers to play crypto. Grandfathers who are very millennial, grandfathers who play crypto and have ASIX tokens, it's exciting, right?" said Anang Hermansyah in Pondok Indah, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (2/2/2022).

5. Wanting to Look Cool

Anang doesn't mind his new status. In fact, he is happy to become a grandfather. As a musician who already has grandchildren, Anang admits that he wants to continue to look cool despite being a grandfather.

"Later, baby A (Aurel and Atta Halilintar's child) will say, 'Wow, my grandfather is cool, right? So cool,'" said Anang.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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