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Aska Ongi Reveals Marriage Certificate Quotes, Aliff Alli Visits KUA Cilandak to Do This...

Aska Ongi Reveals Marriage Certificate Quotes, Aliff Alli Visits KUA Cilandak to Do This... Special - Last Wednesday (21/4/2021), the isbat marriage and divorce talak trial filed by Aliff Alli was held again with proof agenda. After the trial, Aska Ongi as the respondent revealed evidence that threatened Aliff's defeat.

To the media, Aska showed a quote from the marriage certificate between Aliff Alli and Nuning Irpana. Not only that, he also has a marriage certificate issued by KUA Cilandak on November 28, 2011.

1. Must Bring LP

Because of that, Aliff Alli went to the Cilandak Marriage Office to check the marriage documents. Unfortunately, the Cilandak Marriage Office could not provide access because they had to report to the police.

"So Aliff wants to check the document. I told him that this document is a state document, and only investigators can check it. So if he wants to check it, he probably needs to make a police report about the alleged forgery. Then the investigator will come here and we can provide it. It requires a police report because only investigators have the right to check it. The person involved cannot directly check it because it is a state document," said Totom when contacted by phone on Wednesday (28/4/2021).

2. Archive Still in the Search Process

Furthermore, the Cilandak Marriage Office explained that Aska Ongi obtained a quotation of the certificate and marriage letter from the register. However, for the documents, it cannot be obtained directly.

Aliff Alli revealed that he had received a letter from the police. However, the documents he wanted are still in the search process.

"So far, no (documents have been given). Because we are still in the search process. Because the archive is from 2011, so we are still in the search phase. For example, if the documents are found, then we can meet with the investigator," said Totom.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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