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Attend Bryan Domani's Birthday Dinner and Take Photos with Family, Mawar De Jongh Confirms Dating?

Attend Bryan Domani's Birthday Dinner and Take Photos with Family, Mawar De Jongh Confirms Dating? Mawar De Jongh admits dating Bryan Domani? © Santoso - A few days ago, Megan Domani posted a photo of her family having a dinner to celebrate Bryan Domani and his mother's birthdays. What caught the attention of netizens was the presence of Mawar De Jongh in the photo.

As known, Bryan and Mawar have been rumored to be in a romantic relationship for the past few months after working together in a movie. However, both parties chose to keep it hidden for privacy reasons.

1. Taking a Photo Together Signifies Open Public?

With the upload of the dinner photo, it seems to indicate that Bryan Domani and Mawar De Jongh are already open public. When asked for comments about it, Mawar seemed confused about how to respond.

"I was invited, so I just came. If asked to clarify the photo, I'm confused, honestly. We just had dinner there," said Mawar when met in the Kapten Tendean area, South Jakarta, on Monday (3/8/2020).

2. Afraid of Being Accused of Various Things

When asked about the certainty of whether she is dating Bryan Domani, Mawar De Jongh gave an ambiguous answer. However, she did not deny that she already knows the parents of her co-star in the movie SIN.

"I don't know what to say. Because if I say no (not dating), I will be accused of various things. Well, because we were in the same movie, so we got to know each other (Bryan's family). His dad even came to the premiere, and we met several times on set," concluded the singer of the song 'Sedang Sayang-Sayangnya'.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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