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Ayu Dewi's Story of Fun with Family Every Ramadan - This Year Wants to Focus on Worship

Ayu Dewi's Story of Fun with Family Every Ramadan - This Year Wants to Focus on Worship

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Ayu Dewi's Story of Fun with Family Every Ramadan - This Year Wants to Focus on Worship

Presenter Ayu Dewi admits to being enthusiastic in observing the holy month of Ramadan. This is because there are many challenges she will face when waking up Aqilah Dewi Humairah, Mohamad Aqlan Ukasyah, and Muhammad Aqli Ataya before having suhoor. Read the full story.

Ayu Dewi's Story of Fun with Family Every Ramadan - This Year Wants to Focus on Worship

"It's fun, waking them up is already fun," said Ayu Dewi when met in the Mampang area, South Jakarta, Wednesday (13/3/2024).


It's not easy for Regi Datau's wife to wake up her three children for suhoor. Usually, even though they have woken up, one of the children will go back to sleep because they are still sleepy, said Ayu Dewi. 

Ayu Dewi's Story of Fun with Family Every Ramadan - This Year Wants to Focus on Worship

"Well, he already has high blood pressure. And then, after he's been woken up, he goes back to sleep. Oh, it's exciting. Anyway, I'm happy," said Ayu Dewi.


Ayu Dewi admitted that she doesn't find it too troublesome to prepare suhoor meals for her husband and children. Because, whatever she serves, they always enjoy it together.


"Well, for suhoor, we definitely only eat one menu, no need to change, for the whole household. So it's easy to prepare, not complicated," Ayu Dewi said.  


This Ramadan, Ayu Dewi has a strong desire to focus on worship. Therefore, the mother of three will reduce activities outside the house, in order to focus on worship during this Ramadan. "And in this Ramadan, I want to focus only on worship, meaning not too many activities outside," she said.


In addition, for simply breaking the fast together with friends, Ayu Dewi will also reduce such activities. This year, she prioritizes gathering with her small family for worship. 

Ayu Dewi's Story of Fun with Family Every Ramadan - This Year Wants to Focus on Worship

"If breaking the fast together becomes too frequent, then it's not necessary anymore. Now I can perform congregational Maghrib prayer, Tarawih, it's nice to do it at home with family," Ayu Dewi concluded. Â