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Because of the Corona Virus, Sandra Dewi Reveals that Every Day Feels Like a Vacation

Because of the Corona Virus, Sandra Dewi Reveals that Every Day Feels Like a Vacation Sandra Dewi © Instagram/ sandradewi88 - Currently, the government is implementing social distancing to stop the spread of the corona virus. Sandra Dewi also experiences this by choosing to spend more time at home with her family.

This beautiful artist admits that she prefers to spend time with her husband and children. For her, this moment is very precious to get closer to them.

"I am someone who really likes to stay at home. Even before this incident, I was the person who liked to stay at home since I had children. When I was still single, I used to go out often. But since having children, I only go out if it's really important, otherwise I choose to stay at home," said Sandra Dewi during a live conference with Lactogrow on Thursday (19/3).


1. Feels Like a Vacation

Since social distancing, Sandra Dewi feels happier because her husband now has more time at home. The 36-year-old artist feels like her days are like a vacation.

"Now we are enjoying the time at home. I'm really happy, especially seeing my husband at home. Wow, even happier," said Sandra Dewi.

"These past few days, I feel that being at home with the family is enjoyable, just like being on vacation. It's enjoyable and happy to gather at home. Doing activities together is joyful," she continued.

2. Tell About the Little One

Sandra Dewi said that her son, Raphael Moeis, also likes to gather with the family. Her 2-year-old little one is happier when playing with his Papa.

"Because both of my children are boys. So, they definitely prefer playing with their Papa. Playing with Mama is fun, but playing with Papa is much more fun because they are both boys. But when he was a baby, he preferred Mama more, but now at 2 years old, he knows 'Wow, Papa is more exciting than Mama'," she said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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