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Before Ashraf Sinclair Passed Away, BCL Made Instant Noodles to Eat Together

Before Ashraf Sinclair Passed Away, BCL Made Instant Noodles to Eat Together Maia reveals the incident before Ashraf's death © Herdianto - The departure of Ashraf Sinclair which seemed sudden surprised many people. Moreover, a few hours earlier, according to circulating information, Bunga Citra Lestari's husband had just landed from New York.

Until now, there is no definite chronology regarding Ashraf Sinclair's death. However, as their closest person, Maia Estianty revealed that BCL had no premonition before her husband's departure.

"There was absolutely no premonition, that's why we are all shocked. Because before he passed away, BCL had uploaded something, so maybe Ashraf passed away not long after that," said Maia, when met at the funeral house in Pejaten area, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (18/2).

1. Instant Noodle Making

According to Maia, after work, BCL went straight home and arrived late at night. She even made instant noodles before her husband eventually passed out.

"If I tell the story from the inside, when it was time to rest at night, Ashraf was left by Unge to clean his face. When he wanted to order instant noodles after Unge cleaned his face, Ashraf didn't wake up. So the incident happened very quickly," said Maia.

2. Ashraf Sinclair's Body

Not stopping there, Maia also had the opportunity to see Ashraf's body before he was buried. According to her, the 40-year-old man still looked handsome and as if he was sleeping soundly.

"He looked handsome when he was allowed to see the body. His condition was good, nice, and very handsome. Like someone sleeping," she added.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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