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Portrait of Bunga Citra Lestari with her Child Heading to Ashraf Sinclair's Funeral, Swollen Eyes & Full of Sadness

Portrait of Bunga Citra Lestari with her Child Heading to Ashraf Sinclair's Funeral, Swollen Eyes & Full of Sadness Bunga Citra Lestari. © Herdianto - Sadness envelops singer Bunga Citra Lestari. Her husband, Ashraf Sinclair, breathed his last breath on Tuesday morning (18/2).

Undoubtedly, the news of Ashraf Sinclair's passing has shocked many, including Bunga Citra Lestari. The sadness is clearly visible on the face of the woman who has lost a precious person.

The funeral process for the deceased was immediately held. In the moment of accompanying her husband's departure, BCL looks so sad and hurt.

1. Heading to the Funeral

After being laid in the funeral home, Ashraf Sinclair's body was immediately buried. Bunga Citra Lestari was seen walking accompanied by relatives to bid farewell to her husband.

BCL looked silent and bowed her head as she walked towards the car. Her face was adorned with sadness and a sense of loss.

2. All-White Outfit

BCL entered the car to head to the funeral. The singer remained silent and bowed her head.

A crowd of pilgrims and media personnel were seen gathering to capture the moment. BCL herself was seen wearing an all-white outfit and her head adorned with a matching headscarf.

3. Swollen Eyes

As she walked towards the car, the expression of sadness was clearly visible on BCL's face. While continuously looking down, the woman seemed to try to stay strong.

Losing her husband, surely left a wound on BCL's heart. Both of her eyes looked swollen after crying.

4. Bersama Sang Anak

Not alone, BCL was also seen bringing her son, Noah Sinclair, who was also wearing all-white clothes.

The little boy also looked silent as he walked towards the car to go to the funeral immediately. Surely, this news also deeply affected Noah's heart.

Hopefully, Bunga Citra Lestari and Noah, as well as the family, are given strength.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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