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Want to Enter Television, Nia Ramadhani's Child: Just Ask Papa to Call

Want to Enter Television, Nia Ramadhani's Child: Just Ask Papa to Call Mikhayla Zalindra Bakrie ©Instagram/ramadhaniabakrie - Nia Ramadhani reveals how she educates her eldest daughter, Mikhayla Zalindra Bakrie, to not become a spoiled child. She seems to have a firm attitude towards her daughter. According to her, this needs to be instilled from an early age.

"Yes, it needs to be instilled in her, because she only wants what she wants. Sometimes, young children can be difficult to understand," said Nia Ramadhani in a Ngopi Dara video with Jessica Iskandar, uploaded on the TRANS TV Official YouTube channel on Sunday (9/2/2020).

1. Want to Enter TV

Nia also revealed that her daughter wants to be on TV when she grows up. Knowing this, Nia asked her eldest daughter how to achieve her dream.

"For example, if she's asked what she wants to do, what does she want to do. If she grows up and wants to be something? Well, my question is too difficult, like too deep. 'Want to be on TV', 'how to enter TV?'," she added

2. Surprising Answer from Mikhayla

The wife of Ardie Bakrie hopes that by asking this question, her daughter can think more critically and creatively. She hopes that Mikhayla will give a logical and good answer. However, it turns out that her daughter's answer is very surprising.

"What did she say? 'Just ask dad to make a phone call', because she knows we have a TV. I'm already tired," Nia said, greeted by Jedar's laughter.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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