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Damayanti Noor, Chrisye's Wife, Passes Away, Her Son Denies the Cause is a Stroke

Damayanti Noor, Chrisye's Wife, Passes Away, Her Son Denies the Cause is a Stroke Damayanti Noor - Pasha. © Akrom Sukarya/Fikri Alfi Rosyadi - Damayanti Noor, known as the wife of the late musician Chrisye, has passed away. This sad news has deeply affected many, from family to close relatives.

On Sunday (9/2), the body of Damayanti Noor was laid to rest at TPU Jeruk Purut. Many pilgrims came, including Pasha, one of Chrisye and Damayanti's children.

Pasha himself shared the events leading up to his mother's passing. "The incident was like what happened yesterday, my mother was with her friend, taking a walk in Puncak, it's usually like that, once a month, it's a routine. The next morning, I received a call from her friend in a panic, at that time my mother was still there, then five minutes later I received another call saying she was no longer there, it happened very quickly, at that time I was still in shock, just informing the family," he said.

1. Deny Stroke Attack

There are many speculations that mention that Damayanti died from a stroke attack. However, Pasha himself denies this.

"If high blood pressure has been going on for a long time, so if there is news about a stroke, it's wrong, I have to say it's wrong. She has a history of high blood pressure and it's been many years ago, and always has check-ups and never has anything, it's already time," explained Pasha.

2. No Premonition

Furthermore, Pasha himself did not feel any premonition that his mother would leave. When he received the sad news, he could only surrender and accept it.

"It's just a normal farewell, there's no special premonition, nothing strange like that, when I received the news, it means that the Almighty has called us, whatever it is," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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