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Uya Kuya Calls Love Kuya Used to Hate Deddy Corbuzier, Until Crying

Uya Kuya Calls Love Kuya Used to Hate Deddy Corbuzier, Until Crying Cinta Kuya and Deddy Corbuzier ©Special - Uya Kuya shared many stories during a conversation session uploaded on Atiek Nur Wahyuni's YouTube channel on Thursday (30/1/2020). He also talked about the most memorable thing he experienced in 2019.

For Uya, the most memorable thing in 2019 was when he raided Deddy Corbuzier's house. Because in that moment, he could openly talk about all his grievances. These two Indonesian celebrities are known to often have conflicts and throw harsh comments at each other.

"Because it's like the answer to the past five or six years where Deddy and I were seen as constantly feuding. It's not just seen as, but it really was a feud, meaning indirectly," Uya said as quoted on Saturday (8/2/2020).

1. Love Reveals Hatred towards Deddy

Uya also revealed that as a result of their frequent exchange of harsh comments, his daughter, Cinta Kuya, openly expressed her hatred towards Deddy. In one episode of Hitam Putih, Cinta candidly expressed her frustration towards the bald-headed presenter.

"As a result, after that, we, I also only found out when Cinta expressed her hatred towards Deddy Corbuzier, to the point that she cried on the Hitam Putih show," said Uya.

2. Crying in Front of Deddy

Even in that show, according to Uya, Cinta cried in front of Deddy Corbuzier. This is because Cinta felt very upset as Deddy was considered to bully her father.

"She cried, turns out she was angry, because Deddy was considered to bully her father, even though it's not like that, right Deddy," he added.

3. Already Reconciled

Nevertheless, Uya stated that his daughter and Deddy have now forgiven each other. They are in a fairly good relationship now.

"But after that, it's already done, Cinta has already expressed her grievances, Deddy also knows and they have mutually forgiven each other, right?" he continued.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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