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Jessica Iskandar Gives Important Task to El Barack as Ring Boy at Wedding

Jessica Iskandar Gives Important Task to El Barack as Ring Boy at Wedding El Barack - Jessica Iskandar. Credit: via taken on 07/02/20 at 19.26 - The wedding day of Jessica Iskandar and Richard Kyle is just around the corner. Currently, their preparations for this special day have reached 90 percent.

"The wedding preparations are already 90 percent complete for March. The only things left are the details, such as souvenirs, fireworks, food, the small things," said Jessica Iskandar when met in the Kebayoran Baru area, some time ago.

Jessica Iskandar also revealed that she wants a more intimate and unconventional wedding concept. But what's interesting about their wedding preparations is the important task assigned to El Barack Alexander, their son.

1. El Barack Becomes Ring Boy

According to Jedar, her son has been assigned as a ring boy for the wedding. She intentionally involves her son in the wedding event, considering that El is very close to his stepfather.

"It's almost done. El Barack will be the ring boy. There will be special privileges for our event. So we are preparing to make them happy, so we are preparing a lot," she said.

2. The Awaited Event

It seems that both of them are very committed in preparing for the wedding, which will be held in two places, Bandung and Bali. For the 32-year-old woman, getting married is the most anticipated moment as her entire family will be present as witnesses. However, both Jedar and Richard Kyle are still keeping the exact wedding date a secret.

"My family is from America. It's special for me to gather my family. It's the event I've been waiting for, the one I hope for and dream of, it's also nerve-wracking. I can't reveal the date yet because of cultural beliefs, but when it's close, we will definitely post it on Instagram," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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