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Zefania Carina Buried, Karen Idol Sends a Message to the Attendants: Be Careful, That's My Child

Zefania Carina Buried, Karen Idol Sends a Message to the Attendants: Be Careful, That's My Child Karen Idol. © Herdianto - Tears filled the funeral of Zefania Carina, the daughter of Karen Idol and Arya, who died after falling from the 6th floor of an apartment. The body arrived around 15:00 WIB from RS Fatmawati.

Prayers were recited before the coffin was lowered into the grave. Karen Idol and her mother sobbed uncontrollably, unable to let go of their beloved child.

"Don't worry, Zefi has gone," said Karen Pooroe, trying to calm her mother.


1. Ask the Officers to be Careful

When the coffin was placed into the grave, Karen suddenly became hysterical. While crying, she asked the funeral officers to be careful when lowering her daughter.

"Be careful, that's my child," Karen said to the funeral officers, sobbing.

2. Fainted for a Moment

After the coffin was lowered, Karen, who wanted to put flowers into the grave, suddenly fainted and was carried by her family. After a few minutes, she regained consciousness and finally threw the flowers into the grave.

After the body merged with the ground, the family members took turns sprinkling flowers on the grave. also extends condolences for the departure of Zefania.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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