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Child Dies Falling from Apartment Balcony, Karen Idol: Where is the Father?

Child Dies Falling from Apartment Balcony, Karen Idol: Where is the Father? Karen Idol - Zefania Carina. © Alfi Rosyadi - - Sadness envelops Karen Idol. Because her beloved child named Zefania Carina has breathed her last breath. According to the information obtained, the 6-year-old child fell from the apartment balcony.

On the other hand, Karen Idol herself has already separated from her husband, Arya. They are currently in the process of divorce.

Upon hearing the sad news from the police, Karen was undoubtedly devastated. Especially since she has been unable to communicate with her only child for quite some time.

1. Questioning the Existence of Father Zefania

When met at the funeral home of RS Fatmawati, Cilandak, South Jakarta, on Sunday (9/2), Karen briefly told the chronology of how she received news about the unfortunate incident that happened to her child.

Zefania fell from the apartment balcony, because she felt confused and questioned Arya's whereabouts.

"Yes, so I heard the chronology that is not yet clear, because until now I still can't meet his father, if I'm not mistaken he is still detained. Because what happened to my child is negligence. How can a child be on the balcony at 9 p.m. in the rain, where is his father? This child is still young," she said.

2. Getting News From the Police

Furthermore, Karen herself admitted that she received the news of the funeral not from Arya's family, but from the police.

"I heard the news at 11 a.m. The one who called was not Arya's family, but the police. I thought it wasn't real. Finally, I confirmed it to the South Jakarta Police, to Bripka Woro to find out the truth. Suddenly he said there was no case. I was happy. Then I was contacted again, 'Karen, the incident really happened at the Aspen apartment. Mbak Karen's child fell from the 6th floor around 9 p.m.' Then the information was that my child was taken to RS Mayapada first, because there were no forensic facilities, finally taken to RS Fatmawati at 10 p.m.," Karen explained.

Karen herself immediately went to the hospital because she didn't want her child to be autopsied. "But I myself signed it so that my child would not be autopsied because I didn't want to," she added.

3. Praying for Prayer

While holding back her tears, Karen tried to stay strong as she explained the unfortunate incident to the media. Unable to say anything else, she asked for prayers for her daughter.

"I can't say anything else, please pray for my daughter. Finally, my daughter returned to my embrace (holding back tears) but in the condition that she has been called by God. And maybe I see that God loves Zefania more. What has been given and entrusted by God, it is also God who takes it. I am grateful to God for allowing me to have a beautiful and good daughter in my life for 6.5 years and filling my life. Only for 6.5 years she was in my life and filled my life and our family with extraordinary light and happiness," she said.

"And I only ask for prayers for Zefi, she is happy now in the arms of God her creator (holding back tears). I only need strength for myself (holding back tears) and my family. I am trying to stay strong now, I want my daughter to leave peacefully," Karen concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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