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On the Night Zefania Carina Fell from the Apartment Balcony, Karen Idol Asked to Meet Her Child

On the Night Zefania Carina Fell from the Apartment Balcony, Karen Idol Asked to Meet Her Child Karen Idol - Zefania Carina. © Alfi Rosyadi - - Karen Idol or Karen Pooroe is currently in deep sorrow. Her daughter named Zefania Carina has passed away.

According to the information obtained, Karen Idol's 6-year-old daughter fell from the apartment balcony. Zefania lived with Karen Idol's husband, Arya. The couple is currently in the process of divorce.

Karen herself admitted that she had not been given permission by her husband to meet their daughter for a long time. However, on the unfortunate night, Karen had a bad feeling.



1. Requested to Meet the Child

When met at the funeral home of RS Fatmawati, Cilandak, South Jakarta, on Sunday (9/2), Karen recounted that she had a bad feeling. In fact, on the night Zefania fell from the balcony, she even asked her husband to meet their child.

"I couldn't sleep for 3 days. For 3 months, I couldn't even talk to my child on the phone. But that night when it happened, I had a bad feeling during the heavy rain. I messaged Arya and said, 'Ar, I have a bad feeling, I need to see my child. Please... if you have a heart. I really need to see her. I can't handle it anymore. Please, you can punish me but don't hurt my child's feelings.' I contacted him at 1 am because I hadn't seen or heard his voice for 3 months. It turns out my child is no longer there," she said.

2. Not Getting a Response

Karen herself did not receive a response from Arya. Instead, she received information from the police that her child fell from the apartment balcony.

"Finally, there was no answer. I found out the news from the police, not from their family. Thank you and please pray for Zefania to be in the best place, by the side of the Lord Jesus. Pray for our family to be given strength," she said.

When asked if she would report Arya, Karen answered, "Later," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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