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Buying Satay by Motorcycle Near Home, Nia Ramadhani and Family Guarded by Aide

Buying Satay by Motorcycle Near Home, Nia Ramadhani and Family Guarded by Aide Nia Ramadhani. © Herdianto - The personal life story of Nia Ramadhani is indeed interesting to discuss. There are many interesting facts about this mother of three children who always become a topic of conversation and go viral.

Previously, she became a topic of conversation because she couldn't peel the skin of a snake fruit and couldn't cook eggs, now there is another fact about Nia Ramadhani that emerges.

In one of her Instagram posts some time ago, Nia and her family were guarded by an aide when they were going to buy satay near their home. Curious about how it went?


1. Buy Satay by Motorcycle

In the latest episode of the NGOPI DARA show, Nia Ramadhani was asked by Jessica Iskandar about the moment of riding a motorcycle to buy satay and accompanied by an aide!

From her explanation, Nia admitted that she wanted to ride an electric motorcycle, but was prohibited by Ardie Bakrie with the excuse that it would take a long time. Ardie himself actually wanted to ride a motorcycle.

2. Accompanied by an Aide

With children in tow, of course, more than one motorcycle was used. In total, this family used four motorcycles on the journey to buy satay.

Interestingly, Nia rode the motorcycle separately from Ardie. The man rode with one of their children. Nia herself was driven by an aide. The same goes for their other children.

So, Nia concluded that during the moment of buying satay, her family was accompanied by an aide and a driver!

3. Report

During the journey, Nia just realized that there are quite a lot of motorcycles used just to buy satay. "It's crowded," Nia said jokingly.

Not only that, this beautiful star also admitted that her family is so complicated even though they are just going to eat satay. "It seems like it's such a hassle for the family just to eat satay,"


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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