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Suspected Unnatural Death, Legal Counsel Plans to Bring the Case of Karen Pooroe's Child Death to the National Commission for Child Protection

Suspected Unnatural Death, Legal Counsel Plans to Bring the Case of Karen Pooroe's Child Death to the National Commission for Child Protection Karen Pooroe © - The sad news still surrounds singer Karen Pooroe or better known as Karen Idol. Her only daughter, Zefania Carina Claproth, just passed away on Sunday (9/2) after falling from the balcony of her husband's apartment.

Wemmy Amanupunyo, as Karen's legal team, stated that they will bring this matter to the National Commission for Child Protection. "Yes, that's the plan," said Wemmy Amanupunyo, Karen Pooroe's legal counsel, when contacted by phone on Monday (10/2/2020)

This plan has also been coordinated with Karen's family. "Of course, we won't take any steps without the family's permission," he added.


1. Suspected Unnatural Death

It is not without reason that Karen Pooroe's party brought this case to the National Commission on Child Protection (Komnas Anak). Wemmy explained that the death of Karen's only daughter is suspected to be unnatural. The legal team stated that the death of Zefania Carina Claproth is unreasonable.

"We definitely question the issue of the child's death. Because for us, there is something unusual," he said.


2. Unreasonable

According to Wemmy, the cause of death of Karen Pooroe's only daughter is considered unreasonable. And Karen's party plans to bring this case to the criminal law realm.

"From the criminal side, we will talk about it. This child was indeed declared to have fallen from the apartment, but the indications we see on the victim's body do not at all depict a child falling from the sixth floor with the body still intact. It's unreasonable. So maybe the National Commission on Child Protection can talk about it from the perspective of child protection law, right?" he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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