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Born into a Wealthy Family, Nia Ramadhani: You Have Nothing, Mikhayla

Born into a Wealthy Family, Nia Ramadhani: You Have Nothing, Mikhayla Nia Ramadhani and her child ©Instagram/ramadhaniabakrie - Nia Ramadhani shares a story about her daughter's life, Mikhayla Zalindra Bakrie. Nia reveals that her eldest daughter bears a heavier burden than most children her age. Despite being born and raised in a very wealthy family, Nia does not want her beautiful daughter to become a spoiled child.

"Well, I told her 'if you don't go to school now, if you don't want to go to school, what would you do, all kinds of things, you have nothing, Mikhayla', I've said it like that," said Nia in a Ngopi Dara video with Jessica Iskandar, uploaded on the TRANS TV Official YouTube Channel on Sunday (9/2/2020).

1. Call Child Still Staying

Furthermore, Ardie Bakrie's wife seems to have a firm attitude towards her daughter. She even said that the child is just staying at the house they currently live together.

"Because this is a house, you are still staying. If you don't have a brain, how will you work later? You can't, you have to keep going to school and you can't depend on others," she continued.

2. Don't Want Children to be Spoiled

Nia revealed that she doesn't want her child to grow up feeling too comfortable and spoiled. She wants her daughter to grow up with the struggles she herself has gone through.

"So I also don't want my child to feel like 'okay, my life is already like this', like that. Don't let it be like that," she added.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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