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Before Being Sued in Court, Sabda Ahessa Reveals Indifference to Wulan Guritno who Demands a Bailout Fund

Before Being Sued in Court, Sabda Ahessa Reveals Indifference to Wulan Guritno who Demands a Bailout Fund © Herdianto - Sabda Ahessa's mother named Shanty Widhiyanti made a surprising statement regarding her son who was said to be not indebted to Wulan Guritno. This was immediately refuted by Junita, the architect who handled the renovation of Sabda's house.

It is said that the renovation of the house was completed since February 2023. However, the payment was made months later, precisely in November 2023 with the help of Wulan.

"The construction was completed in February 2023 and the payment was made in November. The reported funds to the court in 2024 are the remaining payment that was delayed," said Junita, the owner of Urbanart Architectural, when met by the media last Friday (8/3/2024).

1. Will Not Be Sued If Cooperative

Junita understands the steps taken by Wulan Guritno by filing a civil lawsuit against Sabda Ahessa at the South Jakarta District Court. Because if not, who knows when the advance funds will be returned by Sabda.

"So basically, it won't be reported if Sabda is cooperative. Because previously Mr. Ficky (Wulan's legal representative) has demanded payment but it was ignored by Sabda," said Junita.

2. Wulan Guritno Withdraws Lawsuit

After going through two court hearings, Wulan Guritno withdrew her lawsuit against Sabda Ahessa. This happened after her former partner settled the advance funds, although not in accordance with the demands.

"The payment has been made but it doesn't match what was stated in the lawsuit. There has been an agreement on the amount that should be paid and not. Finally, we reached an agreement," said Sabda's legal representative named Aditya Anggriady, who was met at the South Jakarta District Court on Thursday (7/3/2024).


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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