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Being a Simple Housewife, Here are 7 Photos of Lita Hendratno, Finalist of Miss Indonesia, who went Viral with Her Husband - Compact in Raising Children

Being a Simple Housewife, Here are 7 Photos of Lita Hendratno, Finalist of Miss Indonesia, who went Viral with Her Husband - Compact in Raising Children Lita Hendratno (credit: - Lita Hendratno is still a hot topic among the public after going viral on social media. Her household life also steals attention because it is far from the spotlight.

Lita Hendratno, who was once known as a finalist of Miss Indonesia 2018, is now enjoying her role as a housewife. Lita Hendratno's marriage life is also under public scrutiny.

It is known that she has been married to a man named Arsyandi Mulia since 2020. Curious about the harmonious photos of Lita Hendratno and her husband? Let's check it out here, KLovers.


1. Married in 2020

Lita Hendratno, one of the finalists of Miss Indonesia Sulawesi Tenggara, was known to have married a man named Arsyandi Mulia in January 2020. Through her personal social media account, Lita Hendratno uploaded moments of her wedding with traditional wedding attire. This is how the beautiful woman born in 1995 looked during her happy moment when officially married to Arsyandi Mulia.


2. Harmonious Marriage

Lita Hendratno's marriage was far from the spotlight before her video went viral on social media. Since getting married in 2020, Lita Hendratno's marriage has been far from any negative gossip. Often, Yusuf Hendratno's sister shares harmonious moments with her beloved husband.


3. Now a Simple Housewife

Lita Hendratno's life before and after becoming a finalist of Miss Indonesia 2018 has become a topic of discussion due to the contrast. Currently, Lita Hendratno has chosen to be a housewife. Some netizens also commented on her appearance, which is far from luxurious. However, Lita Hendratno enjoys her role as a wife and mother. In addition, she also has her own beauty business.


4. Happier with Two Children

Lita Hendratno's marriage is happier with the arrival of two children. This couple has been blessed with two children who are two years apart. Lita Hendratno's first child was born at the end of 2020. Meanwhile, their second child was born in 2022. This is how happy Lita Hendratno and her husband are with their beloved children.


5. Cooperative in Raising Children

Lita Hendratno's husband is known as the founder of an English language course called Test English School in East Java. Despite his busy schedule, Arsyandi Mulia is still seen being cooperative in raising children with his beloved wife. This is how cooperative Arsyandi Mulia and his wife are in raising their child.


6. Active in Creating Content with Family

Lita Hendratno has recently started to delve into the world of content creation. Yes, she has decided to become a content creator and often shares interesting content with her family. Lita Hendratno and her husband also manage family content called Family Time Indonesia. Not only on social media Instagram and TikTok, Lita Hendratno also creates vlogs on her personal YouTube channel. She also shares her daily activities with her family.


7. Mutual Support

This couple is known to give each other mutual support. In fact, Lita Hendratno admitted that it was her husband's role that finally made her actively share content on social media. Lita Hendratno also helped develop a business with her husband at Test English School.

That is a portrait of Lita Hendratno and her husband who are now in the public spotlight. What do you think, KLovers?



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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